Hinckley Times

Family heartbroke­n as cat shot by air rifle put to sleep

‘There was nothing they could do’ says cat’s owner

- CHRIS JONES hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

A CAT was found critically injured in a street in Earl Shilton after being shot.

The 17-year-old cat called Tyson was owned by Jack Crowfoot, 28, and his family – but Jack had been caring for the cat for the past two years.

Tyson was first found injured by a member of the public on Sunday, October 13, who posted on the Spotted Hinckley Facebook page.

The post said: “Cat found injured in Heath Lane Earl Shilton” and was accompanie­d by a picture of Tyson with his legs positioned awkwardly beneath him.

Jack’s partner saw the post and told him about the picture.

“I got the phone call and as soon as I heard I got in the car and drove over as quickly as I could,” he said.

“I was heartbroke­n when I saw him, he was kind of dragging his back legs behind him, but he didn’t look in pain, it was horrible.

“The lovely lady who found him said he crawled right up to her and went in between her legs as if he was asking for help.

“He normally won’t go near anyone unless he knows them.”

When Jack arrived the RSPCA were already there and Tyson was taken to Birstall Vets.

“They said that he hadn’t been in a car accident and thought he had broken his pelvis,” said Jack.

“We left him there overnight then picked him up the following morning and took him to Hollycroft Vets.

“They checked him and gave him an

X-ray and that’s when they found the pellet which had severed a nerve.

“They said there was nothing they could do.

“I dropped to the floor and cried my eyes out.”

It was discovered Tyson had been shot in the back with what is believed to be an air rifle, which had severed a nerve and critically injured the pet.

The severed nerve meant that Tyson’s back legs and tail were paralysed and it also mean he would not be able to go to the toilet by himself.

Jack and his family decided to have Tyson put to sleep so he wouldn’t suffer any more.

He said: “We’ve had him was about four weeks old.

“He has been a massive part of our family.

“We’ve gone through a lot over the last five years and he has been the only loyal character through tough times.

“I’m heartbroke­n. In the end he died in my arms.”

Jack has reported the incident to the RSPCA, the dog warden and Leicesters­hire Police.

A spokeswoma­n for the force said: “We received a report at 9.19am on Tuesday that a cat had been shot with what was believed to be an air rifle in the area of Heath Lane, Earl Shilton.

“It has been reported that the cat had to be put to sleep following the incident. Inquiries are ongoing.

“Anyone with any informatio­n should contact 101.”

Jack posted online about the death of Tyson and claimed that several people have come forward to report similar incidents. since he

 ?? ?? ‘MASSIVE PART OF OUR FAMILY’: Jack and pet cat Tyson, 17, who was left paralysed by an air pellet
‘MASSIVE PART OF OUR FAMILY’: Jack and pet cat Tyson, 17, who was left paralysed by an air pellet

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