Hinckley Times

Soul singer Lisa Stansfield is marking the 30th anniversar­y of her debut album, Affection, with a new tour. The album sold over five million copies worldwide, won three Brits and featured the massive hit All Around The World. Lisa talks to Friday Live


Why have you decided to do this tour? What is it about Affection that makes you want to play it again?

I think it feels right at the time we are in now because that sort of music has come full circle, RnB and soul music has come around again and this album just makes complete sense in the current climate we’re in. It just felt really relevant because of the way music is now.

What are you memories of recording it? What stands out for you?

It was one of those things that was a magical sort of thing, because every time we did anything, there was such a spirit to it. It was a very hungry album and we weren’t hungry for money, we really wanted this album to be a success and we wanted this album to be out there. So what stands out for me is the spirit, drive and hunger that’s in the album.

What did you hope it would achieve?

Like any artist you hope to reach other people through your music, and this is fundamenta­lly [as an artist] what I want to do more than anything. I don’t want to look pretty and I don’t want all the fame, that’s just a by-product of it. I always wanted to be successful because of my music and it was ultimately a dream come true and then more on top of that! We just didn’t realise how much of an effect this album would have on the whole world.

Once Affection was finished did you know that this was a great album?

Yes! We sat back and listened to it as a whole piece of art and a whole piece of music and we just said, “this is amazing”. To sit in a room and listen to what you’ve produced, and what has come out of your own head – for it to sound the way you want it and more – it’s what every musician really wants, and that moment is the most beautiful moment.

When you listen to it now how do you feel about it? Do you still get that buzz and excitement?

Yes! We don’t really listen to our own music so to revisit an album is really nice because it triggers a lot of memories and feelings.

Do the songs on Affection mean something different to you from when you first recorded them?

Yes but they also make you look at your life again differentl­y, because you can see your life through the eyes that you had when you wrote those songs initially. So you can remember your outlook on life when you wrote those songs, you think “oh I don’t think like that anymore’’ or ‘‘I’m still like that”. You sort of look at your life through your songs!

How will you be choosing which songs from Affection to sing?

No idea! (laughs) Because everyone has a favourite I think it’s going to have to be a general consensus from whoever is there at the time. We’re not going to play the whole album from start to finish because there are songs from other albums which people might think were on Affection, but weren’t. We’re going to do a big chunk of it and it’ll be exciting doing it again.

In the 30 years since the release of Affection what’s been your proudest moment.

I think really at the moment is my proudest moment because I’ve sorted and taken stock on a lot of things I’ve done throughout my career. I’m very proud that I’ve done all the things I have, and I’m very happy.

Does your 2018 album Deeper add a new context to the record? You wrote all of the songs on both albums with your partner Ian and Deeper is a love letter to him really.

If you listen to the content of the songs they’re different in a way. It’s the love thing – it’s different. It’s a different kind of love and it’s more profound and I suppose songs get like that as you get older because you experience more.

How did the great reaction to Deeper make you feel?

Oh god we’re just really happy! We got back from the US a few weeks ago where we hadn’t played for 30 years and the reaction was just unbelievab­le, so we’ve got fire in our bellies! It’s lovely.

Does it help touring with Ian now?

Yes because we have our routine! We’ll always travel together and when we’re touring Europe we get trains everywhere. What we do is get up in the morning, have our breakfast and get the train and it’s lovely, it’s really nice just travelling around everywhere through Europe. We do it in England as well because it’s really nice instead of just getting cars or tour buses everywhere, we get trains so we get to see all the lovely scenery.

Is there still something you’re hungry to achieve now?

I’d like to do more touring! I’ve got to like touring much more than I used to do. I really like it now because I don’t think that I worry quite so much about everything, so I take it easier on tour and don’t let things get to me, like the travel. I’d like to do more acting as well. It’s just exploring parts of yourself and other people’s lovely writing and work – to be able to say someone else’s words and make them real is lovely.

What’s next for you? Yes it did! We’re just going to try and give everyone a bit more of the same really! And keep throwing things at the wall and seeing if anything sticks. It’s great!

 ?? ?? Lisa Stansfield is enjoying touring more than ever - now she travels by train
Lisa Stansfield is enjoying touring more than ever - now she travels by train

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