Hinckley Times

Hospital’s controvers­ial new parking charges could be cut

- CLAIRE HARRISON hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

CONTROVERS­IAL car parking charges at Hinckley’s nearest A&E hospital could be reduced.

Outrage was caused when George Eliot Hospital took the decision to increase how much it costs to park, as well as cutting the free 30 minutes to just 15. Among the most angry was the Patient Forum at the Eliot, which said it tabled counter proposals to the increases - but claimed they were overlooked.

Now management at the Eliot has agreed to look at the Patient Forums’ alternativ­e.

At a board meeting, David Eltringham, the hospital’s managing director, said they held a meeting with the estates team and also the Patient Forum.

As a result, the idea from the forum is now being explored and costed. News about whether the forum plan could be introduced is not likely until the New Year.

However, it is a glimmer of hope for those who feel that the rise in charges, the first since 2014, are simply too high.

Fuming patient champions slammed the parking charge increases at the hospital as ‘absolutely disgracefu­l’ at a board meeting at the start of November.

“For sick people to have a blood test, you are now charging them £2.60 and I think that is absolutely disgracefu­l,” said David Carr, chair of the Patients Forum, at the time.

It was then that he spoke about how the Patient Forum had put in a counter proposal which would have kept the 30 free minutes while still raising money but said those proposals had vanished into a ‘big black hole.’

Mr Carr said: “It has been noted now by us that people are spending 15 minutes driving around the car park, trying to find somewhere to park and they are so stressed about missing consultant appointmen­ts, MRI appointmen­ts, CT scan appointmen­ts, so we are not serving our residents well in that sense.

“I am not sure what the chairman can do, or Mr Burley [the Chief Executive], in 15 minutes but in fact if you walk from the far side of the car park to pathology and back again, your 15 minutes are up.

“You have reduced the free waiting time by 50 per cent, from 30 minutes which we have operated in the past, to 15 minutes, you’ve increased the first level of charges that follow by 73 per cent.”

He said that the new parking charges mirror those at the other hospitals in the foundation trust is now part of - South Warwickshi­re NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT).

“At SWFT I am sure you will find 4x4, Mercedes, BMWs and Jaguars, you won’t find that same mix here at the George Eliot,” he said.

“The 30 minute programme has worked well for patients who do want blood tests. They were able to get to pathology, get the blood test taken and get back to their cars free of charge.

“The Patient Forum submitted an alternativ­e plan for costings for car parking, we met your fiscal needs, we maintained the 30 minute free of charge but it seems to have gone into a big black hole.

“I would ask the chairman to arrange that the management meet with the Patient Forum, to revisit the plan and see if we cannot get back our 30 minute free of charge and who knows? This might be a good idea to take back to SWFT for them to deploy.”

What the new charges are: Now for between 15 minutes and an hour its costs £2.60, a rise of £1.10.

Previously, two hours parking was priced at £2.50 but that has been increased to £3.10.

To park between two and four hours now costs £4.70, a 70p rise.

For between four and six hours people now have to pay £7.30 instead of the previous £6 charge.

Up to 24 hours parking is now priced at £9.40, compared to the previous price of £7.50.

There remains no charge for the following groups: Patients attending the Renal Unit for dialysis, these patients are issued an authorised permit for parking within the Renal Unit Vehicle Park only. Oncology/ Haematolog­y patients who are undergoing courses of treatment; visitors to patients in the Neonatal Unit; visitors to patients in the Intensive Care Unit; visitors to end-of-life patients; visitors to the complaints department (meetings) and visitors to the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC).

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