Hinckley Times

This was an ironic election


WELL, it’s all over and the inquests can begin? It has been an ironic election.

Many people did not vote Tory, but did vote for Boris. Equally people voted Labour, Lib/Dem, and SNP, but did not vote for Corbyn, Swinson or Sturgeon.

For the first time, in an awful long time, a politician (Boris) was actually standing up for the British people in an unapologet­ic way, void of political correctnes­s, despite the screams of accusation­s, for him having done so. The (others) fought hard for Europe, the rights of the many in the world, political dogma, but not, in reality, for the British. The narrative (they) peddled that austerity was not necessary was as absurd, as it was untrue, and clearly lessons have not been learned!

Here in Hinckley, just what did the Lib/ Dem candidate stand for?

We now see a universal policy of the left to obstruct and defy democracy, if it is counter to what they want. Some politician­s simply refuse to accept the will of the people unless it is (their) will, and their strategy of fear mongering, and fake news is now an integral part of political life the world over, and they cannot see the people hold them in contempt, as they fail to deliver democracy, but a banana republic interpreta­tion that favours them!

As they promise us everything, they forget, of our own do they give us; it’s our money that is paying for all these promises!

The local parliament­ary candidate, Michael Mullaney, is a full time politician, like so many more, yet (they) treat the electorate with a casual attitude and only look after those they know, or believe will support them.

Perhaps now, politician­s will start to sit up and take notice, and stop the façade, and begin to represent us all, regardless of our views.

So, the next time they look down their noses at the likes of me, remember, it’s our taxes that are keeping them in a lifestyle and we do not pay them to do their own thing, or deny what they have been responsibl­e for and intend doing (with our money). Get real, or go and get a life, elsewhere!

Steve Vickers

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