Hinckley Times

Pride at election result


RARELY have I felt so much pride in my fellow Britons as I did last Friday. With their votes on Thursday, the people restored our democracy. Ever since the referendum in 2016, there had been a concerted attempt by sections of the British establishm­ent to thwart that decision.

Mrs May tried to hold the red lines of the vote, but was worn down by her own rebel Remainer MPs, and eventually proposed a withdrawal deal that did not take back control of our borders, money, laws, and trade deals.

In the European elections, frustrated Brexiteers fired a warning shot across the bows of the Tories, and of Labour, who had reneged on their promise to respect the result of the referendum. This vote allowed Boris to succeed Mrs May, after which he promised to do his utmost to enact a Withdrawal agreement by October 31st. It so happened that he failed in this endeavour, due to the shenanigan­s of the Speaker, Tory Remain rebels and Labour Remainers. Every day, according to the broadcasti­ng media, itself dreadfully anti-Brexit, Boris suffered a new defeat or humiliatio­n, but the strange thing was that, with every setback, the Tory numbers in the polls kept rising. The voters could see that Boris was busting a gut to get Brexit done, and that the anti’s were blocking him.

And so, the old, ignorant and uneducated proletaria­t, the ones, that is, that hadn’t died since 2016, voted to reward Boris; to ignore Messrs Major, Blair, and Heseltine, to condemn Soubry, Umunna, Grieve, Gauke, and co. to parliament­ary oblivion; to blow a raspberry at the rich and self-satisfied likes of Gary Lineker, Hugh Grant, Steve Coogan, Ian Hislop and the rest of the glitterati and chatterati.

And, most enjoyable of all, to repay the Labour Party for their treachery.

Ron Osmond

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