Hinckley Times

Finn shoes are fine shoes, the children love to wear


HAVE you still got presents to buy for the nearest and dearest? With only a week to go now to the big day, you could always resort to gifts on the 12 days of Christmas list but it will cost you!

When I was on the staff of this paper around now I would ring round suppliers and get prices for each item but times change (and don’t we know it?) and tradition has given way to contempora­ry thinking.

Gifting specialist­s Net Voucher Codes say the bill would be just over £16,000 or if you repeated each of the first 11 every time £60,274.

Changes made include butchered, oven ready meats, turtle dove and songbird decoration­s, paintings of the swans and replacing the maids with milking machines!

Where to put them all has always been a problem and it reminds me of a skit on the song I saw hilariousl­y performed at the Concordia some years go with letters from the recipient first being overwhelme­d by her true love’s generosity but becoming more manic as the number of birds increase and start fighting while space gets more crowded with maids, ladies dancing, lords leaping, drummers drumming and pipers piping.

A merry Christmas, God’s blessings and a happy and healthy new year to all my readers.

Warm welcome

When you move to a new area it can take some time to get yourself known, even to the next door neighbours in some cases but an addition to the population of Burbage (so I’m told) arrives with no such problem as he already has over 36,000 friends.

Most of them have never met him but the welcome given to Luke Evans as our new MP could not have been warmer which is remarkable for someone the majority of those who voted for him know nothing about or what he stands for.

I’ve never seen him as yet but that could change as I see his name on the list of guests on the Michael Ball and Alfie Boe TV programme on Friday!

Selling slogans

When I invited readers to tell me advertisin­g jingles and slogans they remembered, David Abbott was very quick off the mark, sending me a list of them before 9am last Wednesday.

Some of them are classics and ones I should have recalled like Beer at home means Davenports, Put a tiger in your tank, Can you tell Stork from butter, Don’t say brown say Hovis and Ah Bisto!

Jingles on the list were the ones beginning “Don’t forget the fruit gums Mum…”. And “De Esso sign means happy motoring”. One I did not know but was for the same toothpaste I mentioned ran: “What’s your secret Suzie Q? The boys all seem to go for you.” And the response: “It’s true the boys all love my style, the secret is my winning smile, I used to sit at home discontent, till I discovered Pepsodent.”

David even included a local one: “Finn shoes are fine shoes, the children love to wear.”

Agonising arrest?

If the village pub mentioned in separate reports in this newspaper the past two weeks does close as so many more have it will be the end of a local legend.

It was long said that the authoritie­s chasing Dick Turpin pursued him round the area and finally got him by The Cock at Sibson!

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