Hinckley Times

Lung cancer test diagnosis speeded up by hospitals

- TOM MACK hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

PATIENTS having tests for lung cancer are now finding out the results in days, not weeks.

There have been big changes to how potential cancer cases are dealt with in Leicester, Leicesters­hire and Rutland, where the three Clinical Commission­ing Groups (CCGs) have improved the way hospitals and GPs work together.

Patients who visit their GP with lung cancer symptoms are first sent to hospital for a chest X-ray. Previously, if the result was abnormal, the GP informed the patient and would then send them back to hospital for a CT scan, which could mean a wait of seven to 10 days.

But that all changed at the year.

Since January, patients who need a CT scan have been offered it directly by the hospital within just three days of getting their X-ray results.

The scan is arranged by the hospital, with no need for the GP to do anything and increasing the speed of potential diagnosis, which improves the patient’s chances of survival.

As well as ensuring treatment for cancer can start much sooner, it also means that patients who do not have lung cancer get to know about this within two to three days of their scan, compared to two weeks previously.

Dr Paul Danaher, Leicester GP and clinical lead for cancer at Leicester City CCG said: “Lung cancer claims more lives beginning of this each year than any other cancer.

“One of our top priorities is to diagnose it more quickly, because the sooner cancer is found the easier it is to treat, with a greater chance of success.

“We wanted to see fewer cases where lung cancer is found at quite a late stage, where patients come to A&E as an emergency, because by then the cancer is harder to treat.

“By making several changes to the process that we follow for carrying out tests, making clinical decisions and sending results, we have made real improvemen­ts for patients who have lung cancer symptoms.

“We are really pleased with this progress, which has been made possible with the support of our colleagues at University Hospitals of Leicester.”

One patient said he was pleased with the new process. He said: “I’m not the sort of person who panics over anything, but when you’re waiting for the results it’s obviously on your mind.

“The nurse phoned me the very next day after my scan, to tell me that it wasn’t cancer. Having a phone call was much better than waiting for a letter. You just couldn’t fault the timescales and how it was dealt with.

“I first went to my GP because I’d had concentrat­ion problems and I’d been feeling under the weather for two or three months.

“He sorted me out with an X-ray at hospital the very next day, which I thought was incredible.

That was on a Friday and the following Tuesday, while I was on holiday, I got a call from a cancer nurse who said ‘Don’t be too concerned but we need you to come back for a CT scan.’

“I had the scan straight after my holiday.

“They did find something wrong but my GP was able to assure me that no cancer had been found and the condition shown by the scan is not life threatenin­g. It might need some treatment but it’s just a consequenc­e of old age.”

The news comes as the Government puts more money into cancer screening, with a £200 million grant for new cancer screening machines around the Midlands, including at Leicester’s hospitals.

The machines are part of the Government’s commitment to ensure 55,000 more people survive cancer each year.

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