Hinckley Times

George Ward D beats A team


GEORGE Ward D provided one of the surprises of the season when they took on their own A team and inflicted a 6 sets to 4 defeat on them in Division 1 of the Table Tennis League.

No player was unbeaten in a close match. GWA went 4sets to 2 up but then the D team fought back taking the last four sets to snatch an incredible victory. Highlights were Ollie Wynne’s (GWD) defeat of the previously unbeaten Leigh Morris (GWA) in three straight games and then Edward Brown’s (GWD) victory over the unlucky Russ Pettitt (GWA) 11-6 in the fourth game. All of Pettitt’s games went to four games, claiming two wins and one loss.

In their next match GWD also pulled off a good win over Queen’s Mira. The Barwell side raced into a 5 sets to 2 lead, shocking the home side. Mira then pulled back with wins by Dan Hogan (Q Mira) over Edward Brown (GWD) 11-8 in the fifth game and by Ian Heavey (QM) over Eileen Shaler (GWD) 11-5 also in the fifth game. Player of the match was Oliver Wynne who took all his games including an impressive victory over Dan Hogan (QM) 11-6 in the fifth. This victory lifts GWD to third spot in the Division 1 table.

Queen’s Mira’s luck was also out when they lost by 10 sets to nil to Goons.

League leaders Cat A had two good wins firstly over their own Cat H by 7 sets to 3. There was a good win for young Ben Bennett (Cat H) over Jeffrey Oddy (Cat A) but in the end Cat A were able to coast home for victory.

Player of the match was Alex Mason (CAT A). A further win by 10 sets to nil over GWA secures them top spot at the halfway stage of the season.

Cat B and GW B fought out a five all draw with Bob Whittaker (GWB) winning all his games. In their next fixture Cat B defeated Cat C by 7 sets to 3 with John Underwood (Cat B) claiming player of the match,

Finally Goons secured a 7 sets to three win over lowly Cat D thanks to a fine maximum from Harry White (Goons).

The table sees Cat A out in from on 69 points, Goons in second place on 54 points and GWD in third on 50 pts and GWB fourth also on 50 pts.

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