Hinckley Times

Porn-pics prankster apologises


A MUM said she was shocked and disgusted when a bundle of porn pictures was pushed through her letterbox.

Leah Glean feared the pages of naked women could have been seen by her 10-year-old daughter.

But her anger subsided when there was a knock on their door the next day and the young culprit turned up to apologise.

“It was the young lad and his dad,” said Leah.

“The dad said it was his son who had posted the porn pictures through our letterbox and he apologised for that.

“He also made the lad apologise, too. I am reassured to see that, even in this day and age, a parent would take responsibi­lity like this and come to apologise.

“We really appreciate the dad taking it upon himself to say sorry for this unfortunat­e incident.”

The magazine pages were shoved through the front door of Leah’s Hinckley home at about 8.30pm last Friday.

“I was upstairs and noticed a big group of teenagers across the road near the shop,” said Leah.

“I kept an eye on them as it was odd to see so many together. Then, I saw one of them run across the road in the direction of our house and heard the letterbox go.

“I shouted downstairs to my husband, Nick, fearing that the youth had put a firework through the door. When Nick got to the door he saw a pile of pages from a pornograph­ic magazine on the floor.

“He opened the door and shouted at the youth but he had run off, with the rest of the group, down towards the park.”

Leah said it was lucky her daughter was upstairs getting ready for bed at the time.

“When the letterbox goes, we normally ask our daughter to see what it is,” she said.

“I am so glad she was not down there as it would have been terrible for her to see such pictures.

“Posting porn through a letterbox may seem like a lark, but not if an innocent child is exposed to the pictures.”

Leah said she considered calling the police but decided not to.

“I was so angry, but I thought the police have got a lot on and it was probably not on the level to concern them,” she said. “I was very, very upset though.”

She took to Facebook to warn neighbours about the incident. There were more than 150 comments.

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