Hinckley Times



With Derek Marvin chair of Hinckley and Burbage Churches Together

IT’S not too late!

What will you say to God when you face Him on the Day of Judgement?

As the realisatio­n hits you that all the things you have pushed below the surface all your life were true, how will you feel?

Maybe you have told yourself you don’t have time for God, or that maybe He exists but you don’t want to bother with Him right now. Maybe you have said ‘How can I believe in someone who allows suffering?’ although much suffering arises from our bad treatment of each other and ourselves. Maybe you’ve said ‘I need more evidence of Him’ when you haven’t seriously tried to look for any, although the beauty and wonder of His creation itself, reveals Him to us. Maybe you’ve many times ignored the little things that point you towards Him, so that you can live your life without Him ‘interferin­g’ in it.

The Bible is very clear in Romans 14:12 that ‘each of us shall give account of himself to God’.

You might say that this is rather a serious start to the new year.

However in the new year we often think of how we might do things differentl­y to improve our lives. Some diet or exercise, some get more organised or spend less money each month. We ought to give some thought to our eternal well-being too, and that has to involve our attitude to God.

Just like dieting, exercise, being organised or spending less money, seeking God involves discipline. Very little in life comes without a deliberate discipline­d approach.

Knowing God is a wonderful thing. He wants us to turn to Him and let Him into our lives so that He can help us to live the best lives we can and to get the best out of life - He wants to bless us.

And the Good News is that if you are reading this, it isn’t too late! Why not start with a prayer to ask God for help this new year? Or maybe thank Him for the blessings you’ve had over Christmas. Or you could ask Him to show Himself to you and then watch for His response.

You could turn to the Best Instructio­n Book for Life Eternal (The Bible) and read something from the New Testament.

At Christmas we remember that God sent His Son, Jesus, to us.

In the new year, let us go to Him, just as the Wise Men did. I pray you have a blessed and happy new Year.

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