Hinckley Times

Bradgate Unit saved my life

Former patient gives back to team with donated gifts

- TOM MACK hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

A WOMAN whose life was saved by help from the Bradgate mental health unit has repaid the favour.

From the age of 13, Hayley Lawrance-Pope struggled with undiagnose­d bipolar disorder and dyslexia and had treatment all over the country.

When she was 21 she had to be admitted to an acute ward and spent time at the Bradgate Unit, which is on the Glenfield Hospital site in Leicester, and she says it made the world of difference.

Hayley, from Hinckley, is now a businesswo­man, having founded a Hinckley-based network of magazines in 2010.

It was through the magazines that she launched a readers’ appeal, requesting gifts of toiletries, clothing and other essentials for patients at the unit, where Leicesters­hire Partnershi­p NHS Trust (LPT) provides inpatient care for more than 150 adults who are often admitted at little or no notice when they become acutely unwell.

Hayley said she was astounded at the response from readers and advertiser­s.

Last month staff at the unit were delighted when a van packed with clothing, gift sets, toiletries and other essentials were delivered just in time for Christmas.

Single mum Hayley said launched the appeal because she she wanted to help others who share her own inpatient experience.

She said: “I lived with undiagnose­d bipolar disorder for many years and it had a major impact on my behaviour, lifestyle and my physical health, too. I’ve felt suicidal, had risky behaviour, was sectioned for six months and had to be treated as far away as Bristol and Essex.

“Some years ago I was admitted to an acute ward on the Bradgate site and I believe they saved my life.

“I know what it’s like for people to arrive on the wards at short notice – it’s happened to me. Sometimes people don’t have the chance to pack a toothbrush or toiletries and I wanted to help.

“The response to the magazine appeal was fantastic, with some businesses being especially generous, and we’re so pleased it will be making a difference to people this Christmas.”

Rachel Kingman, who manages LPT’s acute, forensic and rehabilita­tion mental health services, said: “We are so grateful and touched by the generosity of the community which has certainly given patients a boost.

“The people in our care are admitted when they are at their most vulnerable and they often do not have anything with them.

“The toiletries have been distribute­d to the wards to go directly to the patients, the clothing is being displayed in our Involvemen­t Centre, where patients can choose from them, and the many wonderful gift sets that were donated are being used as prizes for patients in therapeuti­c activities organised by our occupation­al therapy team.”

 ??  ?? LPT service manager Rachel Kingman, far right, with occupation­al therapists at the Bradgate Unit and some of the gift sets donated by Hayley and her supporters
LPT service manager Rachel Kingman, far right, with occupation­al therapists at the Bradgate Unit and some of the gift sets donated by Hayley and her supporters

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