Hinckley Times

Officers asked if they want Tasers


POLICE officers are being asked whether they want to carry Taser stun guns in response to the rising tide of violence they are facing.

Leicesters­hire Police Federation, which represents rank and file officers, has launched a survey of its members as new figures showed the number of assaults on officers has once again risen both locally and nationally.

In Leicesters­hire, the figure is approachin­g an average of an assault every day.

Six police officers were attacked in a recent twoday period alone.

About 400 county officers, including those in the firearms unit, already routinely carry or are trained to use Tasers, which deliver a temporaril­y disabling 50,000 volt shock.

Leicesters­hire Police said it would take officers’ views into account when making decisions about the future use of the weapon.

Dave Stokes, chairman of Leicesters­hire Police Federation, said: “We want to find out a true picture as to whether officers want to carry a Taser, and also the level of threat they face out there on the streets.

“The results will help the police federation to work to ensure our members have the greatest protection available to them.

“We would urge all of our 1,800-plus colleagues to take the time to fill in the short survey to ensure we get that true picture and to help us help make police officers safer.”

The latest statistics for assaults on officers in Leicesters­hire show that 324 attacks were reported in 2018/19.

The previous year’s total was 312 and the 2016/17 total was 243.

The sharp rise three years ago appears to reflect efforts by the police federation and the force to encourage officers to end a culture of brushing off attacks as part of the job and to instead report all attacks, even if the officer suffered little or no injury.

Adam Commons, vicechairm­an of Leicesters­hire Police Federation, said: “On average, we’re now heading toward the point where a county officer is being assaulted every day, and that is unacceptab­le.

“We are seeing officers punched, spat at and having elbows smashed in their faces. We have the support of the public and they are just as disgusted by the violence officers are facing as we are.

“The courts have been given extra powers to deal with people, and they have to use them.”

He added: “It’s not just the physical aspect. Being assaulted can cause anxiety and this can affect officers in different ways.

“It can be a week on or several months on from an incident and it will flash through your mind all over again.”

In a message to officers, Chief Inspector Mick Fletcher, who is a senior officer in charge of local policing, said: “It is important for me to capture your views, whether you are a strong supporter of Tasers, or if they’re not for you.

“Better understand­ing of the wishes of staff will allow me to make more informed prediction­s on the numbers who would wish to be trained in its use.”

A survey in the summer of last year indicated about three-quarters of Leicesters­hire officers would be prepared to carry Tasers at all times on duty.

The proportion who appear comfortabl­e with Tasers in that survey was higher than that found in similar exercises in 2003 and 2006.

A number of specialist officers, including those in the firearms unit, now carry the upgraded 50,000volt weapon, which is known as Taserx2.

They report several benefits, including its accuracy over greater distances.

However, officers said its crucial advantage is its ability to fire two charges without the need to load a new cartridge.

This means, they say, that it can be fired again at a suspect if the first attempt to stop them fails or if there is a second person posing a threat to the public or to officers.

However, some human rights organisati­ons, such as Amnesty Internatio­nal, have said Tasers have been linked to deaths in some parts of the world.

Defenders of Tasers say it is an alternativ­e to the use of lethal force.

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