Hinckley Times

Vigilance urged over norovirus


PATIENTS, carers and members of the public are being reminded to be vigilant when it comes to protecting themselves and others from seasonal sickness bugs.

Norovirus (winter sickness bug) is a very common viral infection which causes forceful vomiting and diarrhoea. It spreads easily, particular­ly in areas where there are lots of people such as hospitals, schools and offices. As it is a viral infection it cannot be treated with antibiotic­s.

The best defence against the virus is good hand hygiene, washing hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, particular­ly after using the toilet and before preparing food. Ensuring any surfaces which may have been contaminat­ed are disinfecte­d will also help.

Professor Fahad Rizvi, Clinical GP Lead for Leicester, Leicesters­hire and Rutland said: “Sickness bugs are unpleasant for everyone and can lead to dehydratio­n, which can be very serious for those who are young, frail or already unwell.

“If you have symptoms of norovirus, avoid direct contact with other people and preparing food for others until at least 48 hours after your symptoms have disappeare­d. You may still be contagious, even though you no longer have sickness or diarrhoea.

“Avoid visiting hospitals and care homes if you have had the typical symptoms of norovirus in the past 48 hours. Some may request you avoid visiting completely if you’ve had symptoms within the past 72 hours. Norovirus is more serious and even more easily spread among people who are already ill or elderly.

“If you think you need medical attention, please call your GP before visiting, or if they are closed phone NHS 111, who will be able to get you the care you need.”

The first sign of norovirus is usually suddenly feeling sick followed by forceful vomiting and watery diarrhoea. Some people may also have a raised temperatur­e (over 38°C/100.4°F), headaches , painful stomach cramps, aching limbs.

For more informatio­n on how you can stay healthy and help to prevent the spread of nasty bugs this winter visit www. bettercare­leicester.nhs. uk/help-us-help-you/norovirus

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