Hinckley Times

Easy win in the end for youngsters


THE first game of 2020 was an opportunit­y to see Hinckley Under 14s play against local rivals Nuneaton, with both teams fielding mates from surroundin­g schools.

The match got underway with an organised and strong Hinckley back line who were full of pace on the outside. Tries came quickly from the starting whistle with Hinckley taking firm control scoring three tries without response.

All three came from multiple passes through the hands to release a runner in space.

Nuneaton then gathered some focus and sustained a good 5-6 minutes of attack from inside the Hinckley half.

Although Hinckley defended the try line very well Nuns got their first try, which was hard earned and deserved. Nuneaton continued to play with more direct running and played the short ball well, but as soon as Hinckley managed to get a ball with space the ball travelled through the hands to again score two more before the end of the first half - one coming from a well caught restart drop kick near the 22m line and run in under the posts. With Hinckley converting two and Nuneaton one the score was set 29-7

The second half saw a number of changes made and a renewed commitment to keeping the ball alive which meant more tries. Hinckley always looked dangerous in open play and soon scored again through good hands and team support. Despite a number of thwarted attacks and good defence from Hinckley, Nuneaton managed to break through to score from a strong straight run forward. With the ball being turned over a number of times Hinckley came back soon enough with their own try under the posts.

From the next restart Hinckley gave a bit too much ground following a few poor restart kicks and Nuneaton got down to the 22m line which gave them a good platform to score their third and final try. With four minutes to go the game was Hinckleys and the match was polished off with another well supported debut try from the wing.

This was a thoroughly good game to watch and pleasing to see great hands from the training field translatin­g into match play.

Final Score Hinckley 51 Nuneaton 17.

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