Hinckley Times

Part time royalty will be a difficult balance

- With Peter Bolton of the Hope Community Church

THE recent news of Prince Harry and Megan stepping down from front line Royal duties has shocked many people, none more so than the Queen and her family. This has been headline news here in the UK and also in Canada.

Although we hear about the discussion­s taking place, how will it really pan out? The Queen is supportive, she clearly is aware of the pressures placed on the couple and understand­s.

I guess it was a difficult decision for Prince Harry to make. No doubt he feels the ties of the family and yet he has a great love for his wife. But it will be interestin­g to see out they will balance royal duties and earning an income for they family. Being a part time royal will involve a balancing act, not easy.

This certainly takes our minds away from celebratin­g royalty only three weeks or so when this story broke. What other royal event? Christmas.

The wise men went in search of the one born to be King of the Jews, a reference to Jesus, in fact this was the notice placed on the cross of Jesus at His crucifixio­n.

All earthly monarchies come and go, because they are human, we all come into this world and at some point leave it. Jesus is different.

Our present queen no doubt wants her subjects to have a good life, but she can’t promise and give to us a fulfilled life, Jesus can.

Our royal family has limits in what it can do for the people. Jesus is different, He is a 24/7 king, He is always present for His people. The royal family meet many people and it must be a nightmare trying to remember everyone’s name. Jesus knows us all intimately, we might not have any time for Him but He always has time for us.

The Queen is a lady of faith, but that doesn’t exempt her from the problems of life, as in this case with the family. No doubt in the midst of all this she will have sought strength and wisdom from God. Life not making any sense? Problems?

You don’t need an invite to speak to Jesus the king, He is permanentl­y ready to help. It only takes a prayer.

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