Hinckley Times

Two cases of the virus are confirmed in the county

Eliot hospital while Leicesters­hire now has two cases


HEALTH officials have confirmed a second person in Leicesters­hire has tested positive for coronaviru­s.

Public Health England (PHE), Leicesters­hire County Council and the local NHS, are continuing to work closely together in the county to respond to the situation.

PHE is contacting people who may have had close contact with the second confirmed case of COVID-19.

The first case confirmed in the county was announced on Saturday.

A third person, who is a student at Loughborou­gh University, has contracted coronaviru­s, too.

The university has said the student has not been in Loughborou­gh since March 3 and the council says the patient is not resident in the county.

Professor Robert Allison, vice-chancellor at Loughborou­gh University, said: “The student has not been in Loughborou­gh since March 3.

“Public Health England believe the student contracted the virus during a recent visit to Italy.

“We have been in touch with a small number of students and staff who had contact (as defined by Public Health England) with the individual and they have already self-isolated off-campus as a precaution.

“The student does not live in one of our halls of residence, has not attended Loughborou­gh Students’ Union (LSU), events and has not attended any classes during the period of concern.

“We are doing extensive work to implement our plan to manage the risk to members of the university community. This includes following all guidance provided by Public Health England.

“First, the overall risk is not high. Second, the most important thing we can all do at this time is follow advice from health care profession­als with regard to our own wellbeing and that of our colleagues, family and friends.

“Please maintain good standards of personal hygiene.


“Wash your hands with soap and water often, for at least 20 seconds, and cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. I am confident that if we all take care and support each other we can manage the current situation and minimise the risk to the campus community.”

Close contacts of the second case of COVID-19 will be given health advice about symptoms and emergency contact details to use if they become unwell in the 14 days after they had contact with the person.

Mike Sandys, director of public health for the county council, said: “I want to reassure people that, although a second case of coronaviru­s has now been confirmed in the county, the risk to the general public remains low.

“We are working closely with colleagues in health to do everything we can to stop the virus spreading.

“Good hygiene is the best prevention and there are some simple steps you can take. These include washing your hands regularly and thoroughly and if you cough, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue.

“If you have recently been to one of the affected areas and are feeling unwell, you should use the NHS 111 online coronaviru­s service or call NHS 111 for further advice straight away – please don’t go to your doctor or a hospital. There’s lots of advice on how people can protect themselves online.”


 ?? MAIN IMAGE ALEX HANNAM ?? ‘OVERALL RISK IS NOT HIGH’: Professor Robert Allison, right, vice-chancellor of Loughborou­gh University where a student was the first recorded case of coronaviru­s in the county
MAIN IMAGE ALEX HANNAM ‘OVERALL RISK IS NOT HIGH’: Professor Robert Allison, right, vice-chancellor of Loughborou­gh University where a student was the first recorded case of coronaviru­s in the county

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