Hinckley Times

Parking permits just shuffle the pack and does not solve problem


THE issue of residents’ parking permits continues to rage it seems. Half the town thinks that they should be able to park close to where they live by right, the other half that if that’s what they want, they should have chosen to live somewhere else.

Firstly, the “commuters” displaced will just go elsewhere and irritate another batch of residents.

Secondly, with permits the space utilisatio­n could drop – e.g.10 cars displaced, but on average only 8 cars using the same space over the same period. So surely all it does is shuffle the pack at best, make the overall situation more difficult at worst.

The obvious problem is that there is simply not enough parking space provided in total.

The council has to bite the bullet and recognise its responsibi­lity to provide adequate residentia­l parking and work out how they can best do it.

This would begin at the planning stage by only approving proposals that absolutely guarantee 100% offroad parking, with penalties for noncomplia­nce.

Secondly, rather than continue to cram more flats etc. into every nook and cranny of land that becomes available, consider using the space to provide at least something for families already living nearby.

Given that some people will happily park all day in my GP surgery carpark to save themselves a few quid, I doubt permits will make a difference unless the scheme is properly policed and enforced.

D. Alfred

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