Hinckley Times

Rape conviction­s have fallen to a record low in Leicesters­hire

Just 29 suspects were convicted in the area in 2019/2020

- ANNIE GOUK hinckleyti­mes@rtrinitymi­rror.com

RAPE conviction­s have fallen to a record low in Leicesters­hire.

New figures from the Crown Prosecutio­n Service show that 29 suspects in cases involving an alleged rape were convicted in the area in 2019/20 – either of rape or another crime.

That is the lowest number of conviction­s seen since the data was first collected in 2009/10.

This is largely due to a drop in the number of cases making it to court in the first place, with the number of prosecutio­ns also the lowest on record.

Katie Russell, national spokespers­on for Rape Crisis England and Wales, said: “This is devastatin­g news for victims and survivors of rape, and all forms of sexual violence and abuse. There is no disputing how dismal these figures are.

“There can surely no longer be any denying that this situation must be treated as the urgent national priority it is. If this was any other crime so serious and traumatic, with such widerangin­g, often lifelong impacts on individual­s, relationsh­ips, health and communitie­s, the complete absence of justice for victims and survivors would have been recognised as a national emergency long ago.

“At Rape Crisis, we have recognised it as an emergency and priority for many years, and along with partners, members and victims and survivors themselves, we’ve told government, criminal justice agencies, the media and others time and time again of the need for urgent, meaningful and significan­t action. We will not stop sending that message until this unacceptab­le situation begins to tangibly improve.”

The number of rape prosecutio­ns has been falling despite a large increase in the number of cases reported to the police.

In 2019/20, 894 alleged rapes were reported to Leicesters­hire Police – meaning 5% ended up in court, and just 3% resulted in a conviction.

In comparison, 267 alleged rapes were reported in 2009/10 – 18% saw the suspect prosecuted, with 11% resulting in a conviction.

The CPS has previously said that the drop in prosecutio­ns is due to a significan­t reduction in the number of referrals from the police, and an increase in the volume of digital evidence – leading to cases taking longer to investigat­e.

Meanwhile, the rise in the number of rape cases recorded by police doesn’t necessaril­y mean there has been an increase in this type of crime.

Instead it could be that more people feel able to come forward, or it may reflect better recording practices by police.

Despite this, many cases remain unreported, so the true scale of the problem is likely far greater than these figures suggest.

The fact that victims are unlikely to see justice could be a reason why many still feel unable to come forward and report the crime.

Victims are much more likely to see their case dropped altogether than they are to see someone prosecuted, mainly because of evidential difficulti­es or a lack of suspect.

Both the Victims’ Commission­er Dame Vera Baird and Harriet Wistrich, founder of the Centre for Women’s Justice, have warned that rape has effectivel­y been “de-criminalis­ed”.

The CPS has acknowledg­ed there is a problem and that more needs to be done to close the gap in reports of rape and prosecutio­ns.

They have announced a five-year plan, which involves improved working between

CPS lawyers and the police, fully resourcing specialist units for the prosecutio­n of rape and other sexual offences, and providing legal advice to investigat­ors.

Max Hill QC, Director of Public Prosecutio­ns, said: “Rape and serious sexual offences are abhorrent crimes which can have a profound and lasting impact.

“It is clear that more needs to be done both to encourage victims to come forward with confidence, and to support them through the criminal justice process so the gap between reports of rape and cases that reach the courts can be closed.

“Progress on this is vital and achievable with a long-term and concerted effort and investment from all parts of the criminal justice system.

“I am determined that the CPS will play its part in driving that change, working with the police to build strong cases from the outset, and accelerate the time taken to bring them to court.

“Our commitment is that all casework decisions are taken fairly, impartiall­y and with integrity and help to secure justice for victims, witnesses, defendants and the public.” Across England and Wales, 1,439 suspects accused of rape were convicted in 2019/20 – the lowest number on record, and half the number seen three years ago. Prosecutio­ns were also at a record low.

It is also taking longer for suspects to be charged, with the average time from a case initially being referred to the CPS to a decision to charge up from 53 days in 2015/16 to 145 days in 2019/20.

While a time series is unavailabl­e at a local level, in 2019/20 the average time it took to prosecute in Leicesters­hire was 82 days – more than two months.

Rape and serious sexual offences are abhorrent crimes which can have a profound and lasting impact

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