Hinckley Times

Yobs deface loved ones’ headstone

Grandad’s picture smashed and details covered in paint, flowers torn up

- NICK DAWSON nick.dawson@reachplc.com

A family was devastated to discover that vandals had defaced their loved ones’ gravestone.

The headstone of Roy and Mary Richardson, at the Barton Road cemetery in Barlestone, was targeted at some point in the days before the afternoon of August 31.

It had only been in place for a week-and-a-half.

The memorial featured an openbook-style carving, with a picture and text tribute for the husband and wife, on the left and right pages respective­ly.

Roy’s picture was smashed and covered with a black paint, which was also smeared across his name and the dates of his life.

The vandals also tore up some flowers that were placed in a holder at the bottom of the headstone. Roy and Mary’s granddaugh­ter Kirsty Wells said: “I’m absolutely devastated. It doesn’t happen often in a community. I just didn’t think it would happen to us. It’s just disgracefu­l, because my nana did a lot for the community.

“She was part of the parish council and she worked at the school as a teaching assistant. When I was younger and we went to the park together, she was always stopped by people.

“Everyone knew who she was. She was a social butterfly, my grandad adored her.”

She added: “You see some people egg a grave but to actually trash it is vile.”

A spokesman for Leicesters­hire Police said: “On Wednesday, September 2, we received a report that a gravestone had been damaged in a cemetery in Barton Road, Barlestone.

“It was reported the damage may have been caused by a hammer and something had been written on it.

“Inquiries into the incident are ongoing.”

Kirsty posted about the incident on the Barlestone New News page on Facebook, with many people leaving messages to express their shock.

One commented: “This is disgusting, Mary and Roy were the most lovely people you could know, why would someone do this.

“We grew up living opposite them on Cunnery Close and they were always so lovely.

“Devastatin­g to read this. Hope it gets sorted, please keep the post updated and if I hear anything I’ll let you know.”

Neighbours are organising a fundraiser to pay for repairs to the headstone.

Kirsty said it was amazing to see the messages and feel supported by people in the village.

She said: “I wasn’t expecting to get that reaction to be honest. It just shows the Barlestone is such a tight community.”

If you have any informatio­n about the incident, call 101.

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‘LOVELY’: Roy and Mary

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