Hinckley Times

Heartbroke­n plea for safe return of pet crow Eddie

Bird stolen when burglars struck

- By DAVID OWEN news reporter

A heartbroke­n animal-lover is desperate for the safe return of a pet crow stolen in a burglary.

Eddie was taken during a daytime raid on a house in Stoney Stanton last Monday afternoon (Jan 11).

Cash, jewellery and power tools were also taken, but it is her missing pet antique dealer Michelle Johnson is most upset about.

The one-year-old bird was hand-reared after it was found close to death as a tiny chick in a school playground in Burbage.

Michelle, who has made a hobby of caring for injured and sick wild animals that rescue centres and charities cannot help, said losing Eddie has hit her hard.

“It all started last year when I saw a post on Facebook from a teacher at a primary school in Burbage, just before Covid, who was asking for advice after finding an injured chick in the playground,” she said.

“Because I have a bit of experience with wild birds I replied, saying it was best to leave it alone but watch it to see if its parents returned.

she got back to me later that day to say nothing had happened and it was going downhill fast – and that’s when I decided I would help.”

Michelle took the bird in and, almost a year on, it has become a much-loved pet.

“You’ve got to be careful when rescuing baby birds because they imprint themselves on you and think they’re human so can’t be released into the wild,” she said.

“But I took him in as no rescue centres could do anything for him. I hand fed him and he soon began to put on weight. After a while his legs began to straighten out.

“He couldn’t fly because his wings were damaged but could crawl and eventually hop around.”

Michelle said: “He’d spend the day sitting with my dogs and cats – he had no fear of humans or other animals – and when I’d come into the room he’d hop over to me and sit on my lap. He’s very affectiona­te and intelligen­t.

“He would sit at the side of my house calling to all the children as they made their way to school.

“Everybody in the village knew him and many people have been out looking for him. I’d like to thank them all for their support.

I don’t really care about the money, jewellery or tools to be honest, they can be replaced. I just want Eddie back Michelle

“Because he has some white feathers under his wings I thought he might be a magpie at first, and some people have messaged me to say he is a raven but I’m not sure because he’s still quite small.”

Police said the burglary took place between 1.30pm and 3.30pm on January 11.

“I’m a carer for my 95-year-old aunt in Sapcote and had nipped out to look in on her,” said Michelle. “I can’t have been more than an hour. When I got back I realised I’d been burgled.

“All the other animals were there but Eddie’s cage was open and he was nowhere to be found.”

Detectives are appealing doorbell or CCTV footage.

Detective Sergeant Fraser Macintosh, of Hinckley and Blaby CID, said: “I would like to speak to anyone who has footage of men acting suspicious­ly in or around New Road on Monday afternoon. This could be either from a video door“But for bell or CCTV installed at your address. I would also like to speak to anyone who saw men knocking on doors in the area. “Any informatio­n you can provide could help our investigat­ion.” Michelle said she has cared for sick and injured wild animals. She has adopted hedgehogs, chickens, foxes, a one-eyed goose called Jesus and a starling named Clarice after Jodie Foster’s character in the film The Silence of the Lambs. I don’t really care about the money, the jewellery or power tools to be honest, they can be replaced,” she said. “I just want Eddie back.

If you know Eddie’s call 07713 099744.

Detectives are asking anyone with informatio­n that can help with their investigat­ion to call 101. whereabout­s,

 ??  ?? Michelle with crow eddie, who she has reared since he was a poorly chick
Michelle with crow eddie, who she has reared since he was a poorly chick

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