Hinckley Times

Shops should enforce mask wearing


Having just listened to the news again regarding this pandemic that the whole country is trying to get through, it now looks like Boris Johnson is thinking of taking stronger actions and may be making it compulsory to wear face masks at all times when outside your home.

This should have been the case from the very start.

Having come out the other end of experienci­ng COVID myself along with my wife and my son , who may I add is a doctor working in our hospitals, it makes my blood boil when doing the basic things like shopping and you still have those ignorant people who think themselves to be above everyone else and just will not wear a mask.

I’m fully aware that some people are exempt from wearing a mask , but come on, why is it such an issue to those who refuse apart from the fact you won’t or don’t like being told what to do

For God Sake, grow up, and as for those who spout “you don’t have the rights to question me” attitude, well I have news for you, I do have the rights if you are near me.

But what is more shocking, appalling and selfish, are the shops and supermarke­ts that just will not enforce customers to wear masks.

We all have to do our bit, let’s not forget the hours doctors and nurses at the hospitals are putting in to save the lives of our loved ones, and then you see some ignorant youth walking around a supermarke­t looking back at you with the attitude of I dare you to say anything to me.

Hospitals are saying now they cannot cope, having to decided who lives and who dies, this is no joke and it’s not funny.

Supermarke­ts and shops are no doubt adding to this pandemic and should be held accountabl­e, they should be made to shut or severely fined, just like the pub landlords would be if they kept open.

It’s not good enough, it shouldn’t be tolerated, it’s time the Government came down hard on anyone that doesn’t comply with simple rules to try and keep people alive, God help us if there was ever another war,

People of Hinckley should take charge now and stop the ignorant ones of spreading this killer by contacting our MP Luke Evens to take this forward, you can contact him on luke.evens.mp@parliment.uk

As for shops, takeaways and supermarke­ts that are not following

the simplest YOU. of rules, SHAME ON

Peter Saunt

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