Hinckley Times

Man fined £400 after someone borrowed his car to dump tyres

- By ADRIAN TROUGHTON News Reporter harborough.gov.uk/tip-off

A man has been fined after someone borrowed his car and dumped old tyres on a country lane.

The man was caught after the fly-tipping was filmed on a hidden CCTV camera on the lane near Market Harborough.

The offender, from Ullesthorp­e, near Lutterwort­h, said that someone borrowed his car and then dumped the tyres.

The council explained that the registered keeper of the car was liable and then fined him.

A Harborough District Council spokesman said: “A man, who dumped some old tyres in a country lane in the Harborough district, has been fined after being caught in the act on covert CCTV cameras.

“The man, from Ullesthorp­e, near Lutterwort­h, has been fined after a number of mismatched used tyres were dumped on December 2, 2020.

“The man claimed someone had borrowed his car to dispose of the waste, but he was fined as it is the ‘registered keeper’ of the vehicle who is liable.”

Councillor Jonathan Bateman, Harborough District Council’s cabinet lead for environmen­t and waste, said: “We have said it before, and we’ll say it again, if you fly-tip in this district you never know who is watching.

“We deploy mobile CCTV cameras at fly-tipping hot-spots and also get tip-offs from the public about incidents which have resulted in a number of fines over the previous few months. Huge credit to our enviro-crime team for securing another fine.”

The council’s successful anti-fly-tipping campaign “Tip Off” is up for two awards this month at the National Recycling Awards.

Householde­rs are responsibl­e for any waste produced on their property and its legal disposal. The man from Ullesthorp­e was fined £400. Find out more at:

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