Hinckley Times



CAMPAIGNER­S have handed a petition in at Downing Street, alongside some MPs, asking for the return of the free lateral flow tests.

The petition called on the Prime Minister to reinstate mandatory isolation for those who test positive as well as financial aid such as sick pay.

Petition organiser Dr John Puntis, co-chairman of Keep Our NHS Public, said: “The government must take some responsibi­lity for the current level of infection, and a predicted new wave.

“Restoring free lateral flow tests and encouragin­g self-isolation would help decrease viral spread and protect against new variants and further surges, as well as decreasing the risk of long Covid.”

Covid-19 infections have risen in all areas of Leicesters­hire. The number of people in hospital with Covid is also showing signs of an upwards trend, with 79 Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital in Leicesters­hire, in the seven days to June 12.

In addition, 88 patients were still in hospital due to the virus as of June 12.

According to the Office for National Statistics, in the UK a total of 1.4 million people in private households are estimated to have had the virus last week, up 43 per cent from 989,800 the previous week.

Total infections are now back at levels last seen at the start of May, but remain well below the record 4.9 million at the peak of the Omicron BA.2 wave at the end of March.

The ONS said on Friday the latest increase was “likely caused by infections compatible with Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5”, which are now thought to be the dominant variants in much of the UK.

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