Hinckley Times

MP’s support for PM is an error of judgement


NOT surprising­ly Luke Evans has deftly sidesteppe­d the main issue with the Prime Minister, which is simply the fact that the man cannot be trusted, a trait that was patently obvious long before he entered politics.

Partygate is not the issue, just another symptom of it. Despite repeated apologies, the PM continues to lie to parliament and the public – it’s in his DNA and always will be – any suggestion to the contrary is just another lie.

Yes, he is largely responsibl­e for Brexit, but built the case on distortion­s and false promises – just look at the situation he has created with Northern Ireland and the way he thinks he can resolve it by breaking the law (again).

The dilemmas arising now were totally predictabl­e, but he chose to ignore them. What a fine example of leadership... and by the way, leadership is not hiding in a fridge.

Ironically, he is seen for what he is more clearly by the rest of the world than by many of us – they have no trust in him for good reason.

Luke Evans clearly has high political ambitions, but to what degree this influenced his vote we will never truly know. He also has a large majority to play with and at best, mediocre opposition.

We do know he has “disappoint­ed” the Lib Dems, which I’m sure worries him greatly. I just think he made a serious error of judgement and despite his openness, has compromise­d himself. Clearly the PM did not have the confidence of Lord Geidt, his ethics adviser and, as a result, Lord Geigt has resigned.

He is the second person to resign from this position as a result of the PM’s behaviour - i.e. his failure to adopt satisfacto­ry ethical standards.

Obviously Lord Geidt knows the PM very well, so it makes you wonder why so many Tory MPs, ours included, expressed full confidence in him in the recent vote.

Perhaps Luke Evans can tell us why he feels Lord Geidt’s assessment of the PM’s character is fundamenta­lly different to his own when he knows him far better. T R Page

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