Hinckley Times

Who can disagree with the wisdom of Ten Commandmen­ts?

- Trinity Lane Church in Hinckley

IS division a good or bad thing? Well it depends on the situation. If you have ever seen a video of human cells dividing it is a truly wonderful and amazing process.

The process is necessary otherwise we would remain a tiny, singlecell­ed amoeba-like blob, and never develop into anything like a full human being. The trillions of cells which have formed from the constant division become a whole and undivided single human being. In this example, division is obviously good and brings a great outcome.

Have you ever been around when a toughened glass window in a door or a car has shattered with a bang? In this situation the glass divides into thousands of tiny little pieces and loses all its strength and most of its transparen­cy. It no longer does the job it was meant for, division has ruined it.

The Church has similariti­es to both of these situations. Each Christian should be intent to reach out to those who have not yet met God. We should be sharing the good news that we can have a relationsh­ip with God through Jesus’s death for us on the cross. In doing this, we can enable people to enter His Kingdom and become part of the Church themselves, thus multiplyin­g it and strengthen­ing our society.

We can also weaken and harm the Church by allowing division to enter and prevent God from working effectivel­y through us. Just as with glass shattering, a difference can quickly split us apart in many different ways and destroy the close relationsh­ips which enable the Church and society to function properly. What is good or bad for the Church also largely applies to society. Applying the principles of the Bible will bring benefits and blessing to us if we apply them. Who can disagree with the wisdom of the Ten Commandmen­ts or loving our neighbour as we love our self, as Jesus said?

Following these principles would heal and reduce the divisions in our fractured society.

The most common reason for division is when people move away from taking the Bible as a guide in matters of individual and church life. Some may say that the Bible is outdated and obsolete in our hi-tech and scientific world. But in 47 years of regular and serious study and applicatio­n, I have only ever found it to be an invaluable and peerless help in all matters of life. It brings such great help, strength and insight and enables us to live the successful and blessed life that God intends for us.

To tempt Eve to sin, the devil started by asking her “Did God really say...?” This question was designed to make us doubt God’s word, and is the one that has driven so many away from the usefulness of the

Bible’s principles today. Psalm 119 says “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep Your righteous commands”. If we accept this the dangers and damage of division can be avoided and the benefits of unity can be realised. There are some who seek to sow division, but applying Biblical ideas brings us together.

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