
The power of collaborat­ion

Working together is key to improving outcomes for patients and delivering sustainabl­e care

- by Alison Culpan, ABPI Scotland Director

The pharmaceut­ical industry has been involved in environmen­tal initiative­s since the early 90’s and is commi ed to minimising its impact on the planet. We fully support the Sco ish Government’s commitment that NHS Scotland will be a ‘net-zero’ greenhouse gas emissions organisati­on by 2045 at the latest, and the ABPI and our members are working hard to help achieve this ambition.

Pharmaceut­icals have been estimated to account for between 12.5% and 25% of NHS carbon emissions, with 5% of the footprint a ributed to some types of asthma inhalers and anaestheti­c gases. Several companies already produce lower-carbon asthma inhalers and are continuing to invest heavily in researchin­g alternativ­e delivery mechanisms for inhalers that make them less harmful to the environmen­t but still as eˆective for patients.

However, sustainabi­lity isn’t just about cu ing carbon emissions. Initiative­s to recycle, cut waste, save water, and minimise the impact on the environmen­t from the normal use of the medicine are all extremely important.

Companies are investing in the research and developmen­t of greener products, as well as more sustainabl­e production and distributi­on practices. The ultimate goal is to find eˆective solutions that allow us to deliver medical innovation to patients in ways that also protect and support the environmen­t.

When it comes to environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, our industry looks at its footprint in a broad sense. It is not just the impact we have directly on the environmen­t; it is also understand­ing the impact our suppliers have when working for us, and the impact our patients have as they use our medicines. We take a wide view and assess our entire value chains. With this ambition, commitment, and investment, we are sure to achieve progress.

However, the scale of the challenge means we need to work together with others to move forwards and a ain success. For example, through the Energize initiative, where 12 pharmaceut­ical companies have come together with energy companies to accelerate the adoption of renewable electricit­y and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the pharmaceut­ical value chain.

It’s important that companies can work with regulators, health systems and government­s to solve the environmen­tal challenges we face. Throughout the pandemic, we witnessed that the pharmaceut­ical industry could bring real benefits to the table at pace by working together with government­s, academia, the NHS and other stakeholde­rs. Addressing the global climate crisis will take a similar kind of collaborat­ion.

In Scotland, the ABPI stands ready to work with the Sco ish Government and the NHS to engage with industry to achieve the ambitions of the NHS Scotland sustainabi­lity strategy. Industry has a vast range of global experience­s that it is willing to share to ensure a sustainabl­e future for our health service. Only by working in collaborat­ion will we go further and faster in meeting our environmen­tal goals.

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