Homebuilding & Renovating

Our Best Build Decision

One self-building couple reveals how digging down unlocked the potential of a former garage plot


The best build decision we made on our recent self-build was to dig down on our plot to create a basement rather than building up. We had not even considered this during our initial planning as we assumed it would put the build way over our budget. However, once the planning department made it clear that they would not entertain a full two-storey house, we got straight back to the drawing board — and that’s when the idea for ‘ going undergroun­d’ came up. The basic premise was to excavate the whole site by one storey, and have an L-shaped floorplan, to create a large ‘ basement level’ courtyard. This rear courtyard would mean that the surroundin­g rooms would have access to external amenity space via sliding doors ( left). In addition, we have a large lightwell to the front, and the two basement bedrooms here also have direct access to outdoor space. What’s more, we could ensure that all the basement rooms were filled with light.

To take advantage of the outdoor basement level spaces, we designed in lots of elements that our two kids, Maisy and Eva, could enjoy. For example, there is a climbing wall for the children to play with, along with a basketball net, and to the rear we’ve set up a series of hooks to put up a sail for outdoor cinema nights.

It’s also the perfect size for the kids’ bouncy castle — which was admittedly by luck and not design. We’ve spent many an evening with the kids bouncing around in the rear courtyard, while we have a drink on the ground floor garden ( above), which sits on the flat roof of the basement level and is accessed from the kitchen. We have a bit of a design passion for the courtyard, and we are really pleased with how it has come out.

On a much smaller scale, but definitely no less important to the running of the house, was having the laundry room on the same level as the bedrooms — we had a pet hate for clothing hanging around our previous homes.

It’s so easy now for all family members to quickly and easily get washing from their bedroom to the laundry room. It’s a small space, but it has made a huge difference to our daily lives. H

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