Homebuilding & Renovating


Get the perfect finish when decorating outdoors with these helpful tips from Harris Brushes


As the summer approaches we all turn our attention to sprucing up our gardens.we want to inject some life back into weathered-looking sheds, garden furniture and fences, and drab-looking decking with a lick of paint.we may have tried adding a splash of paint to exterior woodwork before but have been a little deflated by the end result.to get a great finish that looks good and lasts is all about prepping correctly and using the right tools for the job.

It’s all in the preparatio­n

You might think being in the garden means you don’t have to think about preparing the area or the fence or shed you want to paint. But paint has a tendency to splatter and so it’s important to protect the garden around where you’re going to paint, as you would inside, to protect plants, patios, decking or brick. Laying tarpaulin on the ground where you’re going to paint is the first thing to do. Next, check furniture, a wooden shed or fence panels for mould or loose parts and make good before you pick up a paint brush. Check out stepby-step ‘How to’ guides at www.harrisbrus­hes.com/ how-to/.

Invest in quality painting tools

It might be tempting to dig out the old brushes and rollers you’ve got hiding at the back of the shed to paint exterior wood but investing in good quality tools that are designed for the job will avoid poor coverage or loose bristles getting stuck in drying paint. Harris brushes have NO-LOSS TM Technology for guaranteed no bristle loss.the Harris Exterior ranges include brushes and rollers specifical­ly designed and engineered to deliver greater coverage, faster painting or super-neat precision depending on the needs of the job. In fact, the range is task specific with colour-coded packaging making it simpler to pick the best tool for the job.

Pick the right tools for the task

Sheds and fences are usually large expanses of woodwork which can take time to paint properly — it can be a laborious job.the perfect tool to choose is the Harris Ultimate Shed & Fence

Swan Neck paint brush (pictured) which allows you to paint 40% faster than a Harris Essentials block brush, saving precious time. There’s also the Harris Seriously Good Roller Frame & Sleeve set — again specifical­ly designed for painting sheds, fences and decking. Quality brushes and rollers like these make the process of painting quicker, easier and more enjoyable.

For a series of ‘How to’ videos, including how to paint a fence, visit the website www.harrisbrus­hes.com. You’ll also find tips and tricks on decorating and getting the very best finish. Check out Harris Brushes’ social media channels (@Harrisbrus­hes) for all the latest updates and inspiratio­n.

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