Homes & Antiques


Artist Helen Ward on how she’s incorporat­ed her collection of antique bookbindin­g endpapers into her work


How did you become interested in Victorian endpapers?

A !er training as a traditiona­l bookbinder, I started working at a bindery. They used these beautiful old marbled endpapers. Some of them dated to the 18th century but most were Victorian. The shop was closing and I felt so sad about them being lost. I had a real emotional connection to them and felt strongly that they should be preserved, so I bought the whole, vast collection.

What do you love about them?

They’re so incredible, you can’t quite believe they’re handmade. They’re so detailed but all entirely unique. Some look like lunar landscapes. I can cut the same shape 50 times and they’ll always look di "erent because the pa#erns on each sheet are so variable.

Where did the idea for using them for your entomology pieces come from?

To start with, I didn’t know what to do with the papers but, one day, when looking at some of the pa#erns, I thought how they reminded me of bu#er $y wings. It all went from there. I later learned that the blue ink used in some of the papers was made from crushed beetle shells. It %ts together.

Have you had to buy any more papers since leaving the bindery?

I’m a hoarder and have kept them all – I actually have way more than I’d ever use. I do incorporat­e other ephemera though and have bought a stack of le#ers and handwri#en documents from eBay, dating from the 1880s.

How important is preservati­on to you?

Some of the papers are so old that they’re crumbling away. I have to be really careful and put a lot of e"ort into preserving them. I use acid-free mounts and conservati­on-grade glass so none of the UV rays can get through.

Do you have a special interest in the Victorian era?

For me, it’s not about nostalgia but looking forward. I love repurposin­g the papers and making them relevant for now. I also bought a stash of Victorian specimen drawers from the Natural History Museum when it was updating its collection, which I reuse as frames. The drawers have tiny holes where hundreds of insects were pinned. I love all the imperfecti­ons.

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 ??  ?? Helen’s artwork involves cutting paper butterflie­s and bugs, using materials collected from her old job as a traditiona­l bookbinder, and handwritte­n letters.
Helen’s artwork involves cutting paper butterflie­s and bugs, using materials collected from her old job as a traditiona­l bookbinder, and handwritte­n letters.
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