Homes & Antiques



We are all familiar with the Christian story of Jesus’ birth – how three wise men bearing gi!s "nd the holy babe lying in a manger. The nativity was depicted in art as far back as 4th-century Rome, from where a sarcophagu­s has been discovered adorned with a relief of an infant accepting gi!s from the Magi. Models and tableaux representi­ng the story of Christ’s birth became popular in homes and public places at Christmas a!er Italian Catholic friar Francis of Assisi created a living scene using real people and animals in 1223. The idea gave birth to nativity plays as well as inanimate scenes with statue#es. Also known as

crèche, presepio and krippe, depending on where you are in the world, the la#er were fashioned from wood, clay and paper, and at some point arrived in our homes as smaller versions.

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