Homes & Gardens


Serves 6-8 Look out for candy beetroot, a sweet variety with appealing pink and white stripes.


150g red rice

1 bunch baby carrots 1 tbsp honey

½ tsp cumin

Sea salt

Zest and juice of 1 lemon

2 tbsp olive oil, plus extra to drizzle 3 candy beetroots, peeled ½ kohlrabi, peeled

1 fennel bulb

1 tbsp tahini

4 tbsp yogurt

1 tsp sumac

Handful of pea shoots

Small bunch mint leaves, chopped

Preheat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6. Cook the red rice according to the instructio­ns, then drain and rinse under cold water. Spread out on kitchen paper to dry.

Scrub the carrots and trim, leaving a short stalk, then spread out on a baking tray.

Mix the honey, cumin, salt and lemon zest with 2 tbsp oil. Toss through the carrots, then bake for 30 minutes, turning every 10 minutes, until golden and slightly crisp. Leave the oven on.

Fill a large bowl with iced water. Finely slice the beetroots, kohlrabi and fennel, adding them to the bowl. Set aside.

Scatter the rice over 2 large baking trays and drizzle with oil. Bake for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes, until crispy and crackling. Leave to cool.

Meanwhile, combine the tahini, yogurt, sumac and lemon juice.

Lay the rice on a large platter and scatter over the carrots. Drain the rest of the vegetables and arrange on top. Drizzle over the tahini mixture, then scatter over the pea shoots and mint, and serve. This recipe can be prepared in advance and kept separately until you’re ready to assemble it and serve.

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