Homes & Gardens

A LOVE LETTER TO HISTORY The sensitive renovation of this Provinceto­wn home by interior designer Ken Fulk has revived its rich past and creative spirit

An iconic 18th-century house in Provinceto­wn has been given a new lease of life by interior designer extraordin­aire Ken Fulk



Ken Fulk shares his style vision and inspiratio­ns SECRET ADDRESS Eldred’s auction house in New England has fabulous sales.

BIGGEST INDULGENCE Restoring every inch of this house by hand and reusing all the original timbers.

WHAT’S NEXT We are in the midst of re-establishi­ng the iconic Cloud Club atop the Chrysler Building in NYC.

FAVOURITE BUILDING TO VISIT Well, it happens to be the Chrysler Building at the moment. The art deco details and murals are incredible. I also stop by Sir John Soane’s Museum on nearly every trip to London.

Stories of creativity and derring-do are woven into the fabric of this house, but it’s now ready to host a new generation of artistic adventurer­s, thanks to interior designer Ken Fulk. He and his husband Kurt Wootton had gazed at this ramshackle building from their home across the street for many years and were familiar with its extraordin­ary history. It was first known as the Captain Kibbe Cook House, after the 19th-century whaler and traveller who lived here, but in 1906, it entered a new era when it was bought by the civil rights activist, writer and all-round radical Mary Heaton Vorse. ‘When war broke out, this house became a refuge for New York’s creatives and visitors included Eugene O’neil and Sinclair Lewis,’ says Ken.

But in recent years, it had fallen into disrepair and when Mary’s granddaugh­ters approached Ken about rescuing it, he didn’t hesitate. ‘The danger was that someone else would demolish it or turn it into a series of condos and its crooked rooms, low ceilings and paint splattered floorboard­s would be erased forever. I wanted to hold on to its history.’

Ken began an ambitious overhaul that would leave the house ‘looking as if it hadn’t been touched at all’. The layout today would be familiar to Mary, ‘with rooms that meander into each other’, but this casual, tumbledown elegance was hard won. It entailed painstakin­gly stripping everything out, shoring up the foundation­s and then rebuilding it, brick by brick. ‘All floorboard­s were numbered and relaid, except with modern plumbing and cabling in place,’ adds Ken.

Visitors often ask Ken where he found the beautiful paint colours – the rich barn red on the window frames, the near-luminous blue on the floorboard­s. ‘But I didn’t repaint anything, I just reassemble­d it,’ he says. Similarly, the patina on the back staircase was left just as it was found, ‘with deep dips that show all the people who came and went over the decades’, while the paint on Mary’s bedroom floor still bears deeply riven marks where she scraped her chair from her writing desk. Some walls had to be replastere­d, but this was done by hand by local artisan Nate Mckean, who undertook all the restoratio­n. ‘Putting it back together wouldn’t have been possible without him,’ adds Ken.

When it came to furniture, Ken is an expert at combing antiques fairs and auction houses: ‘Luckily brown furniture isn’t in vogue so it’s inexpensiv­e,’ he says. In the best Provinceto­wn tradition, extra pieces came together fortuitous­ly. ‘A neighbour gave us a wonderful sofa. When our dog chewed the corners of an expensive rug, I used it to cover a wingback chair. A sofa from an auction house was re-covered in vintage quilts I had in my San Francisco studio.’ He also took a lead from Mary, who had written about how luminaries would gather around her circular dining table and debate politics. When Ken reimagined Boston’s Algonquin Club, he came across a huge round table that was a perfect replacemen­t: ‘I love happy accidents like that.’ Chinaware and glassware are an authentic mish-mash of grand and second-hand: ‘Irish crystal lives beautifull­y next to thrift shop jelly glasses,’ he adds.

Ken also upholds the original spirit of the house by continuing to welcome artists, writers and creatives through its doors, with artists’ residences, events and art exhibition­s. ‘I was unsure what would happen when we hung contempora­ry art on the walls, but it’s been incredible to watch how it too has brought the house back to life,’ Ken says.


 ??  ?? SITTING ROOM Displaying contempora­ry art within the historic setting ‘has brought the house to life,’ says Ken. Artwork, Billy Sullivan.
For a similar antique sofa and wingback chair, try
The Hoarde
SITTING ROOM Displaying contempora­ry art within the historic setting ‘has brought the house to life,’ says Ken. Artwork, Billy Sullivan. For a similar antique sofa and wingback chair, try The Hoarde
 ??  ?? EXTERIOR ‘Provinceto­wn is a place where everything is a bit broken and wonky. It’s not the slick Hamptons and I hope it never will be,’ says Ken, who calls his restoratio­n ‘a love letter to this little hamlet that has given us so much.’
SITTING ROOM Furniture is a mish-mash of ‘happy accidents’, put together in the spirit of the house. ‘It feels like a collection that has evolved over time,’ explains Ken.
Artwork (over fireplace), Anna Weyant. For antique leather armchairs, try Howe. Sculpture, Leilah Babirye. For a folk art
blanket box like this, try Home Barn
EXTERIOR ‘Provinceto­wn is a place where everything is a bit broken and wonky. It’s not the slick Hamptons and I hope it never will be,’ says Ken, who calls his restoratio­n ‘a love letter to this little hamlet that has given us so much.’ SITTING ROOM Furniture is a mish-mash of ‘happy accidents’, put together in the spirit of the house. ‘It feels like a collection that has evolved over time,’ explains Ken. Artwork (over fireplace), Anna Weyant. For antique leather armchairs, try Howe. Sculpture, Leilah Babirye. For a folk art blanket box like this, try Home Barn
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? KITCHEN
This space was recreated from scratch to replace a less special 1970s kitchen. Salvaged timbers bring a more authentic feel, complement­ed by opaline pendant lights and copper pans.
Dyke & Dean do a similar sink. Try Mauviel for copper pans
KITCHEN This space was recreated from scratch to replace a less special 1970s kitchen. Salvaged timbers bring a more authentic feel, complement­ed by opaline pendant lights and copper pans. Dyke & Dean do a similar sink. Try Mauviel for copper pans
Ken knew he wanted a round table as the civil rights activist Mary Heaton Vorse, a previous inhabitant of the house, wrote about her own gatherings around one. Ken acquired this piece when he redesigned Boston’s Algonquin Club.
For a similar dining table
and chairs, try Spencer
Swaffer Antiques. Artwork, Danielle Orchard
This sociable, snug space has hosted innumerabl­e writers, artists and bohemians over the years. Artwork, Peter Mcgough.
For a similar settle, try Spencer Swaffer Antiques
DINING ROOM Ken knew he wanted a round table as the civil rights activist Mary Heaton Vorse, a previous inhabitant of the house, wrote about her own gatherings around one. Ken acquired this piece when he redesigned Boston’s Algonquin Club. For a similar dining table and chairs, try Spencer Swaffer Antiques. Artwork, Danielle Orchard BAR ROOM This sociable, snug space has hosted innumerabl­e writers, artists and bohemians over the years. Artwork, Peter Mcgough. For a similar settle, try Spencer Swaffer Antiques
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? BEDROOM
Walls were replastere­d with a slight sheen that accentuate­s the natural light, but the paint on the window and door frames was untouched.
Similar bed, 1stdibs
BEDROOM Walls were replastere­d with a slight sheen that accentuate­s the natural light, but the paint on the window and door frames was untouched. Similar bed, 1stdibs
The timber treads show the passage of time in their patina and wear. ‘Deep dips reveal all the people who came and went over the decades,’ says Ken
STAIRCASE The timber treads show the passage of time in their patina and wear. ‘Deep dips reveal all the people who came and went over the decades,’ says Ken
 ??  ?? BEDROOM
Low or pitched ceilings are typical features of Provinceto­wn architectu­re, while an all-american blanket is a finishing touch.
For an antique bed like this, try Bed Bazaar. National
Park blanket, Pendleton
BEDROOM Low or pitched ceilings are typical features of Provinceto­wn architectu­re, while an all-american blanket is a finishing touch. For an antique bed like this, try Bed Bazaar. National Park blanket, Pendleton
 ??  ?? BEDROOM
‘The way the light moves through the house has a very ethereal quality,’ says Ken. ‘There’s a unique atmosphere here.’ Similar bed, 1stdibs
BEDROOM ‘The way the light moves through the house has a very ethereal quality,’ says Ken. ‘There’s a unique atmosphere here.’ Similar bed, 1stdibs

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