Horse & Hound

New showjumpin­g strategy reaps reward\


A SLOWER approach to showjumpin­g and deep breathing paid dividends for BE90 section A winner Alexandra Hopkins, who steered the petite 15hh mare, Waldon Wild Ruby, to a double jumping clear.

“The showjumpin­g has always been a bit of a challenge as I want to get through it as quickly as possible and Ruby knows that knocking down poles is easier than jumping them,” explained Alexandra, who accrued four time-penalties in this phase but, crucially, left all the poles in their cups. “I followed my trainer’s advice and practised and practised at home,” she continued. “I controlled my breathing and slowed everything down so that Ruby had more time to see the fences.”

Alexandra, who works fulltime as an HR director for a global IT company, bought the seven-year-old mare unseen from a photograph on Facebook when she was six months old.

“I didn’t set out looking for a foal, but she was by the same sire [Wild Star Bewes] as my old dressage horse who I’d taken from prelim to prix st georges,” she said.

Elanor Rothery-Bowen is sampling the sport from the “other side of the fence” as she watched her former partner, the 11-yearold gelding Lord Lorax, romp home in front in BE90 section C with Sarah Gairdner.

“I bought him as a just-backed seven-year old from his breeder and did two seasons’ eventing with him myself, but when I became pregnant last year I passed the ride over to Sarah, who owns the livery yard where I stable him,” explained Elanor.

However, it has not all been plain sailing for the son of the Henry Cecil-trained dual-purpose sire, Perpendicu­lar.

“He suffered a bout of colic last August and was subsequent­ly diagnosed with ulcers,” said Elanor. “But with treatment and a change of diet he bounced back quickly.”

This well-establishe­d event hosted two under-18 sections.

The under-18 novice ended in a win for Thea Llewellin and Lakestreet Curious, while the BE100u18 went to European pony team rider, Oliver Jackson and his up-and-coming pony, De Goede Rees Darwin.

The latter achieved a personal best dressage score of 22.3.

 ??  ?? HR director Alexandra Hopkins and Waldon Wild Ruby triumph in their BE90 section
HR director Alexandra Hopkins and Waldon Wild Ruby triumph in their BE90 section

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