Horse & Hound

Laura Tomlinson masterclas­s

on using your body to influence the horse Exercises to refine the rider’s aids and improve the horse’s reaction to the aids by using the rider’s seat and balance

- H&H


I USE these three exercises in my own riding and when training to help improve awareness of how the rider’s balance and seat can affect the horse. They demonstrat­e how important the rider’s position and balance are, not just aesthetica­lly, but also how our weight affects the horse.

Often we think that because the horse is so much heavier than us, it doesn’t matter where we are sitting, but it matters hugely.

These exercises aren’t just important in dressage, they are also useful in all discipline­s. In all equestrian sports, we are required to turn our horses and control the pace, whether chasing a ball on the polo field, when turning towards a fence in jumping or in dressage movements.

The aim of these exercises is to guide the horse the right way without having to use too much rein or leg. This not only makes the rider’s aids more accurate, but it also improves the horse’s awareness of them.

It’s interestin­g for riders to feel how much their seat and balance impacts the horse without touching the reins.

THE EXERCISE 1 The first exercise is to walk your horse on a loose rein and then turn your shoulders to the left to face nearly 180° behind yourself. Eventually, your horse should follow your shoulders and go in that direction. You can then turn back the other

way and look over your right shoulder. Your horse should follow where your shoulders are going. It is so much easier for the horse to turn if the rider’s body is in the right place.

2 You can then perform serpentine­s and loops without touching the reins, just from where you are looking.

3 The next exercise is to stand in your left stirrup. Put all your weight in your left stirrup until the horse goes left, and then stand in your right stirrup and the horse will go right. The horse should move in the direction of your weight.

4 The third exercise is to slow your rising in a normal working trot to encourage your horse to slow down, almost to a walk. You can then quicken your rising to encourage quicker trot steps. This should all be performed without touching the reins or using your legs.

‘It’s interestin­g for riders to feel how much their seat and balance impacts the horse without touching the reins’

 ??  ?? Olympic dressage team gold medalist Laura Tomlinson uses training exercises that can be applied to all discipline­s
Olympic dressage team gold medalist Laura Tomlinson uses training exercises that can be applied to all discipline­s

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