Horse & Hound

‘He never lies down to sleep’


PIPPA STUBBS’ 16-year-old

Irish sport horse Sting started to show unusual sleeping behaviour two months after she bought him in 2009. When being groomed or tacked up, he would often fall asleep, lean forward and, if not roused, would crumple on to his knees and fetlocks before instantly waking up. He has consequent­ly developed calluses on the front of both fetlocks.

“He has never lain down in the eight years I’ve owned him, even in the field,” says Pippa. “He is a dominant horse, so, if his fieldmates lie down to sleep, he will remain standing on guard. He is also insecure and hates to be separated from others — I think that’s part of his problem.”

A full veterinary investigat­ion concluded that Sting has sleep deprivatio­n syndrome without a physical cause. Grooming or tacking up is thought to be a trigger, sending him into a state of relaxation.

“I’ve tried everything to encourage him to lie down, including deep bedding of all types,” adds Pippa, who events Sting. “He is quite grouchy, too, probably because of lack of sleep.

“We’ve learned to live with the problem and I’m careful to keep Sting moving when he is being tacked up, including in the lorry park when we’re competing at events.”

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