Horse & Hound

Which showing type are you?

Just how much ring craft do you have? Find out which class you’re in with H&H’s showing quiz


1. An M&M is...

a) a sugar-coated chocolate; b) any pony under 14hh that requires minimal pre-show prep; or

c) mountain and moorland, or M&M ponies, form a group of several breeds of ponies and small horses native to the British Isles.

2. i’M touching A curb so i AM…

a) parallel parking; b) analysing my horse’s new-found conformati­on ailment; or

c) altering my show bridle.

3. My perfect off-seAson sAturdAy would include...

a) a lie-in and a lunch date; b) a trip to Le Beau Cheval to pick up a custom-made jacket for next season; or c) what is this off-season of which you speak?

4. i’M weAring A sAsh so...

a) I’m at a hen party and get discounted entry to the club; b) I get a photo of me winning it to post on Facebook as soon as I can find some WiFi; or c) I toast the occasion with some Prosecco.

5. whAt does nps stAnd for?

a) Net Promoter Score; b) National Pony Society; or c) as above, but can I just add that the NPS was formed in 1893 and hosts a summer national championsh­ip final at Three Counties Showground each year.

6. A producer MAkes...

a) music; b) my horse win; or c) some fierce competitio­n.

7. the word flAsh denotes...

a) a black coat and stockings b) a noseband, or c) a BIG NO in flat showing.

8. if you’re on A hAck you Are...

a) defaming an ex’s Facebook page; b) riding on the roads; or c) riding a show horse that is between an intermedia­te and a riding horse.

9. your AverAge pre-show AlArM clock is set At...

a) it isn’t; b) between 8am and 11am; or c) between 4am and 6am, latest.

10. if you’re green you Are...

a) healthy; b) jealous; or c) novice. H&H

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