Horse & Hound


Feiner Stern II rewarded Andrew Gould’s hard work with a 73.16% advanced medium 98 at Brendon Stud.


Andrew, a successful producer of young horses for clients, picked the Tango x Florencio youngster as a grand prix prospect for himself. He has been given a free hand with “Fonzo’s” career by owner Jane Howard.

“It is only his second advanced medium outing and he hasn’t been competed for a long time,” the rider pointed out. “We’ve plugged away at home getting him stronger and fitter.

“He’s not naturally a hot horse and has never been asked to do two tests in one day before.

He’s now at the right level for his age, eight.”

Andrew added cheerfully that Fonzo would have headed his first test, the advanced medium 85, too, but it was “sabotaged” by his pupil and eventual winner Rowan Bryson when she took stablemate Lazulith away to the lorry. Fonzo’s excess energy ruined three movements.

“I had the right feeling in his second test and I was able to have a conversati­on with him,” Andrew said.

Helen Kenny rode Judith Smith’s Widuking to score 67.18% and win the following day’s advanced medium 91. Helen took over the ride of the Weltano x Atatürk 13-year-old in 2016.

“We’ve had problems with the changes because the canter wasn’t good enough,” she said. “He avoided using himself correctly and instead of lifting and working through he would escape out the shoulder. Now he’s straighter he’s become stronger.”

At Merrist Wood, Isle of Wight-based combinatio­n 11-year-old Poppy Bennett and Campari W (Campi) celebrated their new Wightlink ferries’ sponsorshi­p with a plus-70% overall win in the novice 28. Campi, 21, was given to Poppy in November 2016.

“We’ve clicked now. I’m able to keep him together better and have found another gear,” said Poppy.

 ??  ?? Poppy Bennett, 11, and 21-year-old Campari W post an outright novice triumph
Poppy Bennett, 11, and 21-year-old Campari W post an outright novice triumph

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