Horse & Hound

Jilly Cooper’s Riders

The reality of life as a groom can be a little disappoint­ing when Jilly Cooper’s equestrian bestseller has been your teenage bible, says Catherine Austen


BRYONY blames it all on Jilly Cooper. The life of a groom sounded so glamorous — Nations Cups in beautiful European locations, the Olympics and lots of steamy encounters with handsome, rich riders. She couldn’t wait to leave school at 16 and get started.

And indeed, she did go to work for a showjumper. But mucking out 16 stables in the dark before trips to Darcold Arena with 10 horses, and no help from a rider whose only chance of making headlines was if he was arrested, weren’t what JC had made the job out to be.

As for the naughty stuff: Bryony remembers the odd leer from an over-the-hill rider who needed a pint of whisky to make it into the ring. Yuck.

So here she is, 10 years later, working in the riding school near where she grew up. It’s not the Global Champions Tour, but her ponies are plump, glossy and happy. The kids are sweet and give the ponies lots of pats. Her boss is delighted to find someone who turns up every day, is quick and efficient and doesn’t spend hours staring at her phone. Life, reflects Bryony, could be a lot worse. H&H

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