Horse & Hound



JANET (pictured, right, with Cipriani), worthy recipient of the grooms’ prize at Burghley, has worked for the Newton family for 33 years. What changes has she seen in that time?

“Horses’ routines are roughly the same, but they go out much more now — previously, once the hunters were in after their summer holiday, they were in full time,” she explains. “The canter and gallop work has changed; it is less intense, and we do much more slow work with them.

“Feeding has changed for the better. The Dodson & Horrell nutritioni­sts are very good at advising us. You still feed by feel, but in a more scientific way.

“I think we are more aware of how to manage horses’ legs — we never used to ice horses after they raced, for example.

“The hours are longer, with all the training and the travelling. But the eventing has opened up a new world for me; I’ve met interestin­g people and have learnt how other people do things, which is fascinatin­g

“You never stop learning — when you do, it’s time to retire! I’ve seen Willa grow up, mature and take on more responsibi­lity. She’s gone from being a little girl to my boss, but it has been gradual and based on mutual respect. We air our views and respect each other’s point of view. She works hard, is very dedicated and is easy to get on with.

“We were all so proud to see her do so well at Burghley. It is what we have been aiming for and to do it in front of our ‘home crowd’ was particular­ly special.

“As long as I enjoy what I do — I particular­ly love working with the young horses and seeing them develop — and my body permits me to carry on, I will. My husband appreciate­s how much I enjoy it, and tea is always ready when I get home!”

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