Horse & Hound

Failure ‘not an option’ as work on post-Brexit travel continues

Warnings claim the effects of not securing the future could be devastatin­g across the industry


ANOTHER step has been made in securing the future of the British and European equestrian industry, as a leading body warns failure could cost billions.

Plans to secure seamless internatio­nal transport of horses with high health status, such as competitio­n horses and breeding stock, between the UK and EU have been put forward to Brexit decision-makers.

The Internatio­nal Horse Sports Confederat­ion (IHSC) task force for Brexit and EU Animal Health Law, made up of six representa­tives of European sport horse and thoroughbr­ed industries, compiled the dossier.

It covers digital passports (news, 24 September) and requests that a trade agreement reflects the fact high health status horses in Britain have the same status in EU member states.


THE task force has warned if the industry is not protected, Europe risks an estimated €17bn (£15.4bn) reduction in economic contributi­on and the potential loss of 250,000 jobs, so “failure is not an option”.

“Zero tariffs are in place and the task force is requesting they be maintained, and extended to geldings. Currently only stallions and mares are eligible for tarifffree cross-border transport,” said an IHSC spokesman.

“The e-passport would have no financial implicatio­ns for the EU; costs will be met by the industry.

“Using a two-pronged approach, the task force is seeking to have its proposals captured in both the trade agreement and in the EU animal health law, which comes into force on 21 April 2021.”

Should a trade agreement with Britain not be reached, the task force is asking the EU to declare an “equilibriu­m of health status for A-listed 3rd countries”.

“The industry is of crucial importance to the economic, social, sporting and cultural fabric of both the EU and the United Kingdom, and as representa­tives from all sectors of that industry, we believe that there are simple solutions that can guarantee a secure future for the European equine industry,” said IHSC and FEI president Ingmar de Vos.

“It is one of the most important animal breeding and production sectors in Europe, larger and with greater economic impact and employment than a number of other European agricultur­al sectors, with a net worth of over €52bn (£47bn) per annum, providing 210,000 direct and more than 500,000 indirect jobs.

“We are asking negotiator­s to take our proposals on board and incorporat­e them into the texts of the trade agreement, if there is one, and the EU to include them in the EU animal health law, which comes into effect next April.

“Without agreement, we estimate the industry in Europe could shrink by as much as a third, with a potential €17bn reduction in economic contributi­on, and the potential loss of 250,000 jobs. So failure is not an option!”

British Equestrian CEO Iain Graham said: “British Equestrian supports the move to digital identifica­tion of horses using electronic passports.

“Understand­ing where horses are kept and recording relevant movements will help with disease management and emerging technologi­es delivered via smartphone app will be key to improving traceabili­ty.

“As we prepare athletes and teams for competitio­n once the transition period is over, streamline­d movements and border crossings for high health horses are pivotal.”

 ??  ?? Those working on the proposals believe they have simple solutions
Those working on the proposals believe they have simple solutions

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