Horse & Hound

Groom Penny Dalton on Milton


“MILTON was 100% true character, and that made him the horse he was. He loved people, so if anyone didn’t pay him enough attention he would blow raspberrie­s or grab your sleeve.

“But he could be the devil to look after. He didn’t like being rugged up – every morning he’d be standing with his rug over his head, or shredded on the floor, waiting to be rescued. He was a nightmare travelling, too – he was bored before you left Yorkshire and would paw constantly.

“People always wanted a bit of his mane and, before security was ramped up at shows, if I left my brushes out with white hair on them, they’d get taken.

“We were so upset when we lost him, but no other horse is remembered like Milton. Even people outside the sport knew him – being with Milton was like being with a pop star.

“At Modena, Pavarotti’s horse show, the great man himself wanted to meet Milton. Pavarotti was in tears just stroking Milton for ages, he was so in awe of this horse. It was a truly special moment.”

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