House Beautiful (UK)

The home edit

Sorting out your book collection


If your collection threatens to overwhelm every shelf and surface, try these tips to slim it down

When you’re trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of, ask yourself three questions, suggests declutter expert Cherry Rudge of Firstly, with encyclopae­dias and travel guides, is the informatio­n out of date? Secondly, how relevant is the book to my life now, and how relevant will it be in future? Finally, if the book was a gift, what would the person who gave it to me say if they could see it’s no longer being enjoyed?

Once you’ve weeded out the books you don’t want any more, organise the remainder so they’re themed to the room you use them in – cookery books in the kitchen for example, and reference books in the home office. Then they’ll be to hand and you won’t waste time searching for them.

Don’t feel guilty about giving books away – it’s great that they can be passed on and enjoyed by other people. ‘I like to remind my clients that we can give books a new lease of life by handing them on to someone else who’ll enjoy them as much as we have,’ says house doctor Clare Parrack of clarifyint­

If you’re struggling to let go, keep a notebook at your side as you declutter. When you come to a favourite book, jot down the title and ISBN number. Then, if you want it again in future, you can order a replacemen­t copy.

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The modular Valje system adapts to fit your space, from £17 for a wall unit, Ikea

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