House Beautiful (UK)



Switch energy suppliers and reduce fuel bills says Claire Osborne, energy expert at

@HB When should I switch?

@uSwitchUK Competitiv­e deals are launched all the time, so shop around. The best deal will depend on things like location and average usage

@HB What info will I need?

@uSwitchUK A recent #energy bill will give the details you need

@HB What’s the benefit of using a comparison site?

@uSwitchUK You can see the market’s best deal for you in seconds and the #switch is handled for you

@HB What about companies not on a comparison site?

@uSwitchUK We show the whole market so even if we don’t work with a supplier, we give you details of their tariffs

@HB Does going dual fuel save me money?

@uSwitchUK Most suppliers offer a discount

@HB Can I switch if I’m in debt to my provider?

@uSwitchUK If you owe under £500 you can switch. If you owe more you could get a cheaper tariff with your current provider

@HB How long does it take?

@uSwitchUK Three days plus a 14-day cooling-off period

@HB What are the benefits of an ‘all-inclusive’ utility deal?

@uSwitchUK You only pay one bill and there could be discounts

@HB And the drawbacks?

@uSwitchUK It could be cheaper going to different providers, so shop around

@HB Will having a smart meter affect a switch?

@uSwitchUK You may lose the smart functional­ity of your meter if you move to some suppliers

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