House Beautiful (UK)

Keeping warm in winter

- JO BEHARI A champion for women in DIY and business, as well as an expert on using space and improving properties, Jo will help you find the answers to all your home and DIY challenges

QI want to draughtpro­of my house to help reduce the cost of my energy bills over the winter. How can I do this in a stylish way?

ADraughtpr­oofing is essential to keep warmth in and energy bills down. Unfortunat­ely, the common forms of draughtpro­ofing, such as bristles attached to doors and windows to close gaps, often don’t look very good.

A lot of work has been done over the past few years to improve the design of these products, and you can now apply more inconspicu­ous foam strips to the inside of doors and window frames for the same effect. Unwanted cold air can come in through letterboxe­s too, which can easily be prevented by fitting an internal flap. Unlike brushes, it won’t crush your post

– or the postman’s fingers!

You can also use rubber strips to seal gaps in floorboard­s, which do blend in well, but if your end goal is to keep air circulatin­g in your home while stopping draughts in cold weather, simply investing in stylish soft furnishing­s can help.

Rugs placed on bare boards will reduce cold air coming up through the floor and help keep feet warm in winter. Pairing curtains and blinds on windows is also effective and, if you want a successful solution that adds style too, investing in shutters is a great idea.

These methods also ensure that air can still circulate – vital to prevent condensati­on building up around windows, which in turn can cause woodwork to rot and allow mould to grow on walls.

In some rooms, ventilatio­n is essential. Bathrooms and kitchens need constant air flow in order to stop mould growth, as do rooms with fireplaces where draughtpro­ofing could cause a build up of dangerous gases when the fire is in use.

It may even be worth having an energy survey, where warm air is blown into your house while an infrared camera tracks how it leaves. This way, you can see where the main problem areas are and concentrat­e on fixing these with more rigorous draughtpro­ofing, while using soft furnishing­s for the less critical areas.

 ??  ?? Use heavy curtains and rugs to keep out draughts
Use heavy curtains and rugs to keep out draughts
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