House Beautiful (UK)



Green shoots are a few months away yet, but this is the perfect time to get going with seeds, either direct into the ground or indoors.

Cloches, mini-tunnels

and coldframes can all really help to get the planting party started at this time of year.

The slight protection they offer from the frost makes it possible to sow a huge variety of seeds, from peas, beetroots and carrots, to sweetpeas and lettuces. They can be sown directly into the ground, but lettuces and sweetpeas do best planted into individual pots and placed into a coldframe. As the sun gains strength, keep an eye on the temperatur­es underneath the glass or plastic

– it’ll soon be warm enough that you’ll need to open up the frame or cloche during the day.

Sow broad beans direct

into the soil. You can do this without any protection at this time of year if you find the sunniest, most sheltered place possible.

You can plant a huge

variety of seeds indoors if you have some sort of seed propagator. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – just a seed tray with a cover that has ventilatio­n, placed in a warm spot. Go for lobelia, cosmos, geraniums, kale and tomatoes. Once the seeds have germinated, move them to the brightest place you can, as they need plenty of sunlight to keep them from getting leggy.

 ??  ?? Cloches will protect young plants from harsh weather
Cloches will protect young plants from harsh weather

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