House Beautiful (UK)

Spiced vegetables and chickpeas with yogurt and mint



6tbsp rapeseed or other flavourles­s oil, plus extra if needed

1 medium aubergine

2 medium onions, roughly


300g cauliflowe­r florets

4 garlic cloves, crushed 1 heaped tsp grated fresh


2-3tbsp hot curry powder

2 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes 400g tin chickpeas (not



Squeeze of lemon juice

250g Greek yogurt

Large handful of chopped mint

1 Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F.

Pour the rapeseed oil into a

30 x 20cm roasting tray and place inside the oven to heat.

2 Meanwhile, chop the aubergine into 2cm cubes, place in a colander and toss with ½tsp salt. Set the colander over a bowl to drain for 20min, then spread out on kitchen paper, pat dry and squeeze out any excess moisture.

3 Carefully place the aubergine, onions and cauliflowe­r into the hot oil in the tray, season and toss to coat. Roast for 20-25min, shaking the tray occasional­ly, until the vegetables are almost tender and a little browned at the edges.

4 Add garlic, ginger and curry powder and mix in well, adding a little more oil if too dry. Return to the oven for a further 5min.

5 Stir in tomatoes, chickpeas in their water and 2tsp sea salt. Return to the oven for 30min, stirring once or twice, until the sauce is bubbling and slightly reduced, and the vegetables are very tender.

6 Serve with a squeeze of lemon, spoonful of yogurt and a generous sprinkling of mint.

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