House Beautiful (UK)



These shades offer the perfect embrace, creating a sense of comfort and earthy opulence.

 Honeyed hues of deep ochre and caramel are decadently luxurious, yet reassuring­ly down to earth. Sitting within the yellow spectrum, they give rooms a sunny and positive outlook, while prominent brown pigments provide a classic, timeless quality.

 Partner with reds to provide a little heat. Saffron and paprika tones offer the perfect amount of spice and work brilliantl­y as an accent.

 Wonderfull­y versatile, these shades work equally well as part of light and dark schemes. For a cosy living room, partner with charcoal, while a lively kitchen would benefit from creamy whites.

Plain cabinet fronts, from £49 for a drawer; Parallels cabinet front, from £30 for a drawer; both Superfront

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