House Beautiful (UK)

Italian macaroons

These biscuits are a softer, chewier version of amaretti.



★ 350g caster sugar

★ 250g ground almonds

★ 40g plain flour

★ 4 large egg whites

★ Few drops almond essence

★ Zest 1 lemon

1 Heat the oven to 180ºc (160ºc fan) gas mark 4. Line three baking sheets with parchment.

2 Set aside 2tbsp of the caster sugar. Combine the remaining sugar, almonds and flour in a mixing bowl.

3 Whisk the egg whites until frothy and lighter in colour but not stiff. Add the almond essence and lemon zest.

4 Add the almond mixture to the egg whites a spoonful at a time until it forms a soft mixture that just holds its shape. Leave to sit for 10min to firm up slightly.

5 Put teaspoons of the mixture, spaced well apart, on the baking sheets. With a wetted finger, shape the tops into domes. Sprinkle with the reserved sugar. Bake for 15min until golden at the edges and they pull away from the paper easily. Turn off the oven and leave inside for 5min, then transfer to wire racks to cool.

6 Put two macaroons together, wrap in tissue paper and twist the ends. Keep for two weeks in an airtight container.

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