House Beautiful (UK)



The start of a new year is the time to take stock and start planning for the months ahead, from what to plant and seeds to sow, to how to care for wildlife. Use our go-to checklist below for the next few weeks…


★ PREPPING Deadhead winter pansies and clear away any soggy perennial stems. If you’ve been collecting seeds over the past year, sort them and decide which ones you want to use. Remove any weeds from your veg plot and dig over the soil.

★ SOWING You’ll need patience to sow seeds this early, but if you begin now, you’ll be rewarded later in the year. As well as using new compost, you’ll also need to clean everything that comes in contact with the seeds. Seed more thinly than at other times of the year, and check seeds and seedlings every day so you’re able to act before problems occur. Sow now for a super summer crop of flowers, veg and herbs – we love dahlias, geraniums, petunias, basil and chillies.

★ CARING The coldest month of the year, January is hard work for birds especially. Check any bird boxes and make sure they are secure and haven’t rotted or been damaged.


★ PREPPING Cut back ivy or other climbers that have become overgrown. If you have an allotment, now is the time to make a start. Your main job this month is to prepare the beds before spring. And get your cloches ready for any early sowings.

★ SOWING You might do most of your planting of summer-flowering bulbs in spring, but you can make a head start on some in February – lilies and agapanthus can both be planted in containers now.

★ CARING Most wildlife will still be hibernatin­g, but hedgehogs might make an early appearance. If some come to visit your garden, leave out water for them as well as meat-based cat or dog food – they’ll be hungry.

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