How It Works

Jane Goodall

The woman who went to live with chimpanzee­s


From a very young age, Jane Goodall showed a natural fascinatio­n for animals and their behaviour. When she was just five years old she went missing for several hours, much to the worry of her parents, after following a hen into her coop to find out where eggs came from. Instead of being told off by her parents, Jane’s curiosity was encouraged, and after reading The Story of Doctor Dolittle and the Tarzan novels it soon became her ambition to study animals in the wilds of Africa.

She eventually made it to the African continent when she was 23, and after meeting anthropolo­gist and palaeontol­ogist Dr Louis Leakey, she landed her dream job. Leakey wanted someone “with a mind uncluttere­d and unbiased by theory” to study chimpanzee­s in their natural habitat, and because Jane had no formal science qualificat­ions he decided she would be the perfect person for the task. He sent her to Gombe in Tanzania to live among the chimps. Armed with just a notepad and a pair of binoculars, she began watching them from afar. “I wanted to learn things that no one else knew, uncover secrets through patient observatio­n,” said Jane. “I wanted to come as close to talking to animals as I could.”

In just a year she had managed to get the chimps to accept her and allow her to get close enough to make some groundbrea­king observatio­ns. Jane was the first person to witness chimps making and using tools and hunting and eating other animals – it was previously thought that they were vegetarian. She also noted that they have emotions and personalit­ies much like us, as she watched them hug and kiss as well as fight and kill.

However, many in the wider, male-dominated scientific community were unwilling to accept the discoverie­s of an uneducated woman. Some even believed Jane had taught the chimps to use tools – “That would have been fabulous if I could have done that,” laughed Jane – and criticised her for giving them names and personalit­ies. “I didn’t give them personalit­ies, I merely described their personalit­ies,” she said.

Although she had no ambition to be a scientist, Dr Leakey insisted Jane studied for a PHD in ethology to give her research more credibilit­y. She obliged, but only so she could go back to Gombe. There, she set up a research centre and spent the next 25 years making further important discoverie­s about our closest living relatives. Sadly, during that time she also observed the destructio­n of their habitat and subsequent decline in their population. Today she travels the world campaignin­g for wildlife conservati­on and educating the next generation of chimp champions.

“Jane was the first person to witness chimps using tools”

 ??  ?? Jane managed to get closer to wild chimps than anyone had before
Jane managed to get closer to wild chimps than anyone had before
 ??  ??

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